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by Kirk
Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:50 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: In Response to Lapse in recent encounter....
Replies: 8
Views: 3521

Re: In Response to Lapse in recent encounter

Many years ago while in college I used to ride with a couple deputies in Florida at night. I also carried a Buck 110 knife on my belt. We pick up a gentleman and took him to jail. We entered an area in which the deputy locked up his gun but me being young and not thinking forgot about the knife. When I did realize it I was like a cat in a rocking chair store. I kept my side with the knife always toward the wall and was very jumpy when ever I was approached. I got out of there as quick as possible but got an ear full when the deputy found out.

Not a gun but the same principal, being aware of everything & one around me and keeping it away from being accessible for others.

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