Keith B wrote:Kodiak101 wrote:It's a very interesting conversation. I went this evening to my other sons lacrosse game. The field is on school property. There is a fence around the field, but anyone can enter the stands. There is no gate or fence around the stands.
There is a bathroom under the stands.
With this facility can I carry in the stands but not use the bathroom?
If it is an enclosed structure on owned by the school, then no you cannot carry there. Also, you said your son's sport was a league, but why are they allowed to use the school athletic fields? There may be a gray area if the school is sponsoring the league in a manner that they are allowing them to use the field at no cost. I am not a lawyer, but if I were a DA and wanted to push the issue I could argue that the school was sponsoring the event by giving them the fields to play on at no charge.
Wow. We do work in some grey areas with this one. For what it's worth (IANAL), I disagree with you "enclosed structure" statement.... Kinda. A fence w/o a gate would not, IMHO, be considered an "enclosed structure". Now, if it had a gate and/or a building/structure that you had to go through to get to the open air field (think: Roman Colosseum), then that would definitely qualify.
But you do make an excellent point regarding the free use of school grounds possibly counting as some sort of school sponsorship. I'd be interested in hearing from any of the lawyers on the board about that one.