See my wish list - ... 15#p497657" onclick=";return false;BTin wrote:
I find it interesting that people in power at businesses / schools / government etc... believe you shouldn't carry on their property, partly because they purport it to be safe. However, time and again, I have read quotes like the above. Once you put them in a court of law, they admit that your safety is not their responsibility.
The message I got was that my safety is my responsibility, and that it is also my responsibility to ensure that laws are passed/repealed so that I can protect myself at as many locations as possible. In other words, maybe it is time to start sending money to the NRA and TSRA.
To quote one paragraph:
Better yet, ban businesses and employers from banning firearms. Yes I know they can ban them if they want to. I consider business private property in a lower class than personal private property. You can ban me from carrying on your property with your home, but I don't think you should have the same right on business or commercial property. They are used for vastly different purposes. You generally don't have large number of people unknown to you coming and going at your house, but businesses do with no control, which raises the risk to me. Yes I can shop elsewhere, but put the burden on them, not me.