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by RoyGBiv
Tue Jan 27, 2015 4:59 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Europe's Jews want guns
Replies: 54
Views: 10072

Re: Europe's Jews want guns

Scary stuff right there...
by RoyGBiv
Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:00 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Europe's Jews want guns
Replies: 54
Views: 10072

Re: Europe's Jews want guns

baldeagle wrote:
RoyGBiv wrote:
baldeagle wrote:Is it sheer coincidence that many major US politicians who are outspokenly in support of gun control are Jewish? Is it really Jew-bashing to point that out???
Then pointing out that blacks vote 90% for Democrats is racist, and pointing out that women are not physically as capable as men of doing manual labor tasks is sexist, and now you've entered the bizarro world of political correctness where it's not even possible to discuss issues intelligently, so count me out.
We could go in a different direction and label all the folks wishing to legislate their moral/religious beliefs on us as anti-liberty.... But I'm not going to go down that rabbit hole.

When you start painting with such a broad brush, you need to be careful about what (who in this case) is getting painted.
I don't know any Jews outside of the Northeast that are pro gun-control (unless we're talking about shooting accuracy and not regulation ;-) ).
I've lived in many States.... NY, NC, FL, LA, TX... In my first hand experience, not a single Jewish person I've known outside of NY/NJ was anti-gun or anti 2A. At the same time, the majority of non-Jews I know from the NE are also pro-gun-control. That's why they have the politicians and laws they have up there today. Folks in the NE are poisoned from too many years living in the NE political climate. Just like the millions of other folks living in the NE. Groupthink. Just because you can identify a very good historical reason for all Jews to rally against gun control doesn't give credence to the theory that the majority of Jews are pro-gun-control when your only sample set (NE Jews) is so clearly affected by other factors.

If it is indeed true that 90% of blacks vote Democrat, then saying so based on empirical data is not racist.
The whole line of reasoning about Jews and gun control is so completely flawed. All it is is a stereotype.
by RoyGBiv
Tue Jan 20, 2015 10:43 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Europe's Jews want guns
Replies: 54
Views: 10072

Re: Europe's Jews want guns

baldeagle wrote:Is it sheer coincidence that many major US politicians who are outspokenly in support of gun control are Jewish? Is it really Jew-bashing to point that out???
by RoyGBiv
Fri Jan 16, 2015 3:06 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Europe's Jews want guns
Replies: 54
Views: 10072

Re: Europe's Jews want guns

zigzag wrote:Many AMerican Jews have changed their last names (to anglo Saxon ) to cover their ethnicity.
My grandfather had his name changed at Ellis Island, where immigration officials decided the first few letters of his last name would be enough. He was too poor and too focused on making a living to have that fixed. Some of his siblings remedied the slight years later and legally had their names changed back to the full family name. His daughter, my mother, married a guy with a western surname (born that way). Am I "hiding"? I'd venture to guess that the percentage of Jews "hiding" behind westernized names is rather small, like some of the surprising comments I'm reading in this thread.
by RoyGBiv
Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:26 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Europe's Jews want guns
Replies: 54
Views: 10072

Re: Europe's Jews want guns

baldeagle wrote:Obviously not every Jewish person supports gun control, but, in the main, Jews do. Some of the biggest proponents of gun control are Jews; Michael Bloomberg, Richards Blumenthal, Gabriel Giffords, Diane Feinstein, Arlen Specter, Frank Lautenberg and Chuck Schumer, for example.

Polls, although sparse, consistently show strong Jewish support for gun control. NJDC Compares Toward Tradition’s Positions to American Jewish Public Opinion Data
88 percent of American Jews agree that there should be a nationwide ban on assault weapons (American Jewish Committee Exit Poll, July 1997). The "nation's largest Jewish organization reaffirms support for gun control measures" (Union of American Hebrew Congregations statement, 1/28/00).
88% support for anything is pretty much a consensus.
Careful taking that web site as fact.
That D in their name stands for DEMOCRATS. And 1997 data is quite ancient given current events.
In fact, using 1997 data is "suspicious", IMO.
baldeagle wrote:Frankly, given their awful history, I've never understood why Jews aren't passionately pro-gun. I realize they place high value on human life, but clearly some lives are more valued than others. It makes no sense at all to me, but I'm not a Jew, so I don't have the background to understand it more fully.
This puzzles me as well. I theorize that it's due to geography.
Most European Jews immigrated via Ellis island and remain geographically embedded in East Coast culture. .... Maybe??

My mother cannot discuss politics (she's an ex-NYer, registered "D" that's voted "R" the past dozen years) with her (largely Jewish) neighbors for fear of being ostracized. I shake my head and bite my tongue when her neighbors talk politics. I had some hope for them when they elected Allen West, but that was a one term improvement.

Recently, mom's been talking guns with the neighbors.... Apparently MANY are armed.... but the gun control attitude is quite prevalent... Mom can't get them to explain why they can have guns themselves but still want more gun control.... Willful/disassociative ignorance?
by RoyGBiv
Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:58 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Europe's Jews want guns
Replies: 54
Views: 10072

Re: Europe's Jews want guns

baldeagle wrote:How ironic. American Jews are strong supporters of gun control.
Not this one. And not my mother. :fire

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