I had this almost identical situation happen to me 25 years ago...
I was being passed by two cars. I was in the right lane going 55 (remember those days?) and passed a radar trap. A few hundred yards later a second LE pulls out, signals me to pull over and wait for the other guy (the one running the radar) to catch up with me as the second LE goes after the other speeders. I was not speeding at ay time, by any margin.
I could not afford a lawyer (college days) and I could not afford a ticket (insurance penalty).
I went to court and fought it.
The officer began to testify about how his equipment was properly calibrated and he was properly trained. I interrupted and offered "for the sake of saving the courts' time, I'm willing to stipulate that the officer was properly trained and his equipment was functioning properly".
I then was given an opportunity to question the officer and spent a few minutes asking him to describe the stop. His recollection of the details of the day were minimal. Nothing against LE, but, are they really gonna recall the details of a measley traffic stop from two months prior?
After questioning the officer I was allowed to give my testimony. I brought out a small diagram of the stop, explained that 2 cars were passing me as we were passing the officers radar and that the second officer pulled over the wrong driver. My case was CRYSTAL clear.
When the Judge pronounced me guilty an audible gasp came up from the gallery of other accused sitting behind me. I was sincere. I was right, I was broke but I was still guilty because I had no witnesses. My word against the officer.
The judge looked at me for a few seconds and must have decided I wasn't lying. He said "in the interest of justice I'll reduce this to 57 in a 55" (the ticket was for 68 in a 55). I was still broke, and still guilty.
If I was you... I'd hire a lawyer (don't worry, all the local ticket lawyers will be writing you soon), explain it to them in detail and pay them to plead it down for you.. If they know the officers and judges, they can guide you as to what to do. Alternatively, you can request a PJC (prayer for judgment continued) pay the fine and if no more tickets for 6 months (?) the ticket disappears. You can only use a PJC every 2 years or so (I forget exactly) but, since you have no prior tickets, this option is available.. Talk to a local lawyer in that jurisdiction and get their advice before you decide what to do.... You can usually get a 5 minute phone call to feel them out before they want to charge you...
Good luck...
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- by RoyGBiv
- Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:40 pm
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: First Contact
- Replies: 32
- Views: 5504
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