I still would argue that your idealism, while admirable, is misplaced here.PracticalTactical wrote:In war it is possible to "win" a battle, but suffer a strategic loss.
Rest of this snipped.. read above for details
Either Romney or Obama will be elected. Ron Paul hasn't a chance.
Back in 1992, Ross Perot "had a chance". Voting for him (before he lost his cool) might have propelled him on to victory.
Certainly not the case with Ron Paul today.
Now.. Let's look at Mitt from another angle..
Mitt was Governor of Massachusetts. Can you get more Blue State than that?
I'm inclined to view all of his actions as Governor of Massachusetts through the filter that is the political makeup of his state.
Maybe that's misguided.... I'll agree that it could be. I don't "know" Mitt's heart.
Fast forward to today...
Mitt is running as a Right-of-Center candidate. Granted, he's terribly flawed and impacted by position reversals. But, he's running as a Republican, backed by what will surely be a Republican House and possibly a Republican Senate (I'll not wager on the balance in the Senate). He will not have a Massachusetts-minded constituency to deal with. I am not worried about him bringing WH Resolutions to kill the NRA or 2A or re-institute the AWB. It just won't happen. He's firmly committed to extinguishing Obamacare, regardless of his healthcare record in Massachusetts.
It is a FACT that our next election will give us either Obama or Romney.
Voting for anyone else is just sticking your head in the sand.