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by RoyGBiv
Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:31 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23166

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

tbrown wrote:
RoyGBiv wrote:Just as Obama's 2008 promises were transparently foolish, Romney's proposals are transparently fungible and prima facia, insufficient.
Fungible? Like commodities? :headscratch
Intended to mean "exchangeable".. "swappable"...
Maybe I'm not so clean on using that word in this context.. :oops:

Perhaps "fluid" is better and in keeping with the use of the first letter F.. :mrgreen:
by RoyGBiv
Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:00 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23166

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

tbrown wrote:
RoyGBiv wrote:Just as Obama's 2008 promises were transparently foolish, Romney's proposals are transparently fungible and prima facia, insufficient.
Fungible? Like commodities? :headscratch
RoyGBiv wrote:Cain is fairly articulate (there are some nuances about his speaking style that I find annoying, but overall he does a very good job conveying his message, IMO) and his proposals thus far show an understanding of the problem, a direction of attack that is based on both macroeconomic reality and are not tainted by inside-the-beltline political thinking. Cain, IMO, evokes Reagan in that he is clearly guided by his religious compass, but he does not wear it on his sleeve. His "positivity" is engaging, infectious, sorely needed and also evokes Reagan. Cain believes in America, Perry and Romney come across as believing in themselves, primarily. Cain has "been there, done that" in the business world (doing turn-around work requires nuts-and-bolts, hands-on executive skills, not just a spreadsheet and a red pen) and at the Fed, vs. Romney, who is a Missionary, Lawyer, Management Consultant. His job at Bain was purely Finance and M&A, he was a leveraged buyout specialist. As things stand currently, Cain has SUBSTANCE, IMO, YMMV.
He knows finance but I'm not convinced his heart is in the right place on other issues. For example, when he says states should be able to have strict gun control, despite recent SCOTUS opinions.

Cain might be a good Treasury Secretary, especially if ATF is moved to DOJ under a pro-BoR/pro-RKBA AG.
Irony is that his "States Rights" position on RKBA is the most obvious area of disagreement I have with him. I'm for the 10th, but the 2nd comes first.
[I think that's my new sig line] :mrgreen:
by RoyGBiv
Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:31 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23166

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

anygunanywhere wrote: Perry represents most of what I believe in.

Honestly.... I'm looking for a reason to like Perry... to think of him as someone who not only possesses the desire but also the skill and fortitude to be the leader that this country needs. While I completely respect your decision to support him, I still don't know why exactly. What does he "represent"?

At the moment, he's more "electable" than Cain, but not more so than Romney.

What specifically has Perry accomplished that would cause someone reading this thread to think of him as the best choice.?
by RoyGBiv
Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:07 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23166

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

anygunanywhere wrote: The Office of the Governor Economic Development and Tourism Division. Last I checked Rick Perry is the Governor of Texas. ... ase/16632/

I'll skip the snarky retort to your "Google" comment...

For the third time...... Why would I credit Mr Perry for CREATING this environment?
There's a HUGE difference between maintaining an inherited success and LEADING the efforts to create success where it did not exist previously.
I have proposed that the economic conditions for Texas' success preceded Mr. Perry. Nothing in your referenced article speaks to this point.

In fact, your friends at Google might have missed these bits during your search.. All of them Page 1 hits when searching "job growth in texas"
Perry’s record is part of a long-term trend. Texas has done well in the jobs department for decades. “This point goes neglected,” says Bernard L. Weinstein, professor of business economics in the Cox School of Business at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. “Yes, Texas has created more jobs than any other state” in the last two years. “But that’s been true since 1970. For the last 41 years Texas has added more jobs than any other state, and in most years, has led the nation in job creation,” Weinstein told us. “So Gov. Perry can claim that these jobs were created on his watch, but they were created on everybody else’s watch too.”" onclick=";return false;
The non-partisan group found that newly-arrived immigrants claimed 81% of state job growth from 2007 to 2011. What's worse, half of those immigrants were illegal -- representing 40% of state growth.
Newly-arrived immigrants dominated job growth despite representing only 29% of population growth.

Read more: ... z1aV8N7NoI" onclick=";return false;
If you draw a rectangle on a piece of paper and put your pen in the bottom left-hand corner and then make a straight line across the box to the top right-hand corner, you've just drawn a graph of employment in Texas for the past 20 years. Really, that's what it looks like. From Gov. Ann Richards to Gov. George W. Bush to Gov. Rick Perry, the state has exploded in population and jobs.

"So it's not just the last 10 years; this has been going on now for 21 years — at least," says Richard Fisher, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

Fisher says population expansion is driving growth. Every day, about 1,000 people are either born in or move to Texas. That means new housing, roads, retail, schools, police, firemen — the list goes on. And while Perry touts the success of job creation in the private sector, job growth in government employment has been just as strong.

"We're growing at 80,000 schoolchildren a year, so those children are going to have to be accommodated," says Bill Hammond, the president of the Texas Association of Business.

The oil and gas industry provided nearly 40,000 new jobs since 2009, and most pay good wages. A truck driver servicing an oil or natural gas rig earns on average $1,600 a week. Texas is also creating a lot of low-paying jobs

" onclick=";return false; [yes... "Consider the source".. I know]
"The notion that Texas' recent performance is due to some unusually favorable business climate is absurd," said James K. Galbraith, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin.

First, Texas is an energy state, so it benefits from the run-up in oil prices, he said. Then Texas dodged much of the subprime housing bust, so it never lost as many jobs.

When the Dallas Fed reports on "net new jobs," he said, Texas' gains are exaggerated, because other big states lost so many.

Galbraith said the final chapter hasn't been written, either. Austin's budget cuts will eliminate work for thousands of teachers and others in coming months, which has already happened elsewhere.

Pia Orrenius, a senior economist at the Dallas Fed, listed many reasons for Texas' job growth. Energy prices rose steadily, the Barnett Shale has been a big growth driver in North Texas, and the Eagle Ford Shale is now creating jobs and wealth around San Antonio.

With natural gas so abundant, petrochemical exports have surged 633 percent since 2002, she said. Exports to China grew an average of 24 percent a year since 2000. Exports of cotton and other agriculture products are strong, too.

Read more: ... z1aV7sXUAP" onclick=";return false;
by RoyGBiv
Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:09 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23166

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

anygunanywhere wrote: Most of the jobs that have been created over the last three years have been in Texas and more Fortune 500 companies have relocated their central operations to Texas under the business friendly policies envisioned by Perry, and we are a much more 2A friendly state as well, but who is counting?

I have a hard time crediting Perry for Texas' "business friendly" policies... As I said in the post you quoted, IMO, Perry inherited a good situation and, as when Clinton inherited a strong economy from Reagan and GHW Bush, managed to not muck it up.

I would definitely welcome some specific examples of Perry's leadership on relevant Texas economic successes... :bigear:
Thus far, I have not heard any from Mr. Perry himself.
by RoyGBiv
Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:00 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23166

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

I am still astounded at how many people fell for the Hope and Change rhetoric.
It was transparently obvious (to me) then that we would get what we now have.
Public speaking is of course only a small part of Leading.

Back on topic...

Just as Obama's 2008 promises were transparently foolish, Romney's proposals are transparently fungible and prima facia, insufficient. Paul's are just plain nutty in some key areas (foreign policy!). Cain is fairly articulate (there are some nuances about his speaking style that I find annoying, but overall he does a very good job conveying his message, IMO) and his proposals thus far show an understanding of the problem, a direction of attack that is based on both macroeconomic reality and are not tainted by inside-the-beltline political thinking. Cain, IMO, evokes Reagan in that he is clearly guided by his religious compass, but he does not wear it on his sleeve. His "positivity" is engaging, infectious, sorely needed and also evokes Reagan. Cain believes in America, Perry and Romney come across as believing in themselves, primarily. Cain has "been there, done that" in the business world (doing turn-around work requires nuts-and-bolts, hands-on executive skills, not just a spreadsheet and a red pen) and at the Fed, vs. Romney, who is a Missionary, Lawyer, Management Consultant. His job at Bain was purely Finance and M&A, he was a leveraged buyout specialist. As things stand currently, Cain has SUBSTANCE, IMO, YMMV.

Perry has been my Governor since I arrived in TX in 2003. I still don't know what he stands for. To me, he's a character. A good-lookin' good-ol-boy "Texan", from a storybook. But what has he actually done? Door-to-door book salesman, Air Force (respect.! :patriot: ), Cotton Farmer, Politician. Honestly, "Where's the beef?" As Governor, his most visible "accomplishments" were HPV (opinion deleted) and the Trans-Texas Corridor (which is where now?). I would go so far as to characterize his tenure as Governor as "coasting". Texas was on a good path when he took office and, like Bill Clinton's term in the WH, Perry has managed to not muck it up. Nothing to write home to momma about. He's a frat boy, like GWB, with a good record on 2A. Not enough for me. YMMV

My mind is not made up... but.. there you have it so far... FWIW.
by RoyGBiv
Mon Oct 10, 2011 4:28 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23166

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

RP again proves himself "not my candidate" (family friendly description) for declaring Al Awalaki's killing an "assassination" without due process. :mad5
RESPECT for his honesty, but whatever small chance he had with the mainstream is gone.

Perry has shown himself to be incapable as a public speaker (just like GWB, making him more of an easy target in the general election) and is doing nothing to establish himself as a leader. So far, he's a "partisan", trying to stake out his claim to the conservative base. Another pandering Politico, nothing more.

[offtopic] Romney is also little more than a panderer, I see no leadership from him either.

If I was casting a ballot today, it would be for Herman Cain, YMMV. [/offtopic]
by RoyGBiv
Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:16 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23166

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

ArmyStrong1969 wrote:
The Mad Moderate wrote:
ArmyStrong1969 wrote:I don't vote or participate in the statist system because 1. I am opposed to governing by violent coersion and 2. Those in my minority group of Americans are barred from being elected to ANY office in this country. No its not the homosexual minority group. They are a smaller but much more accepted minority.
Care to explain?
I am in the 20% of Americans that see no evidence for any gods. I am an atheist. We are the largest and most hated minority group in America. A child raping Muslim Jihadist would get elected in this country before an atheist.
Unelectable, perhaps (I'd argue with you about it), but certainly not BARRED.
I figured you were a felon, but as Marion Berry proved, even felons can be (re)elected... They just can't vote for themselves. "rlol"
by RoyGBiv
Sun Oct 02, 2011 7:31 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23166

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

Dave2 wrote:
RoyGBiv wrote:
texanron wrote:LINK
Ron Paul just doesn't get it.
If there was an award for being honest and consistent, RP would certainly be in the running.
These comments, IMO, completely sunk what little chance he has of getting nominated.
I know many believe he's running mainly to pad his war chest anyways.
War chest for what? I thought he was retiring from congress after this term anyway.
He's not running for Congress in 2012 to focus on the Pers race.
Nothing said about that being permanent.
by RoyGBiv
Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:10 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23166

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

texanron wrote:LINK
Ron Paul just doesn't get it.
If there was an award for being honest and consistent, RP would certainly be in the running.
These comments, IMO, completely sunk what little chance he has of getting nominated.
I know many believe he's running mainly to pad his war chest anyways.
by RoyGBiv
Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:46 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23166

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

Charles L. Cotton wrote: So why do liberal Democrats and Libertarians claim to be "conservatives?"
.... because the word "Conservative" is ambiguous.

Socially conservative?
Morally?, Religiously, Fiscally, Constitutionally?
I can lay claim to be several of these but not all.

We have a language problem in Politics that's a huge impediment to getting the right people elected to the right jobs. This issue is compounded by American's preference to fit themselves into defined groups and put down roots, unable or unwilling or just too lazy to think things through for themselves and demand (and support!) better choices, and ferret out all the "me-too" poseurs and panderers. The person in our mirrors is more to blame than anyone else for the trouble we're in. WE THE PEOPLE allowed this to happen, and WE THE PEOPLE have the tools to fix it, but maybe not the intellect, will, attitude or patience (speaking here in general terms, not about "us" forum members specifically).

(BTW.. I know what Charles INTENDS when he says "Conservative".... But, not everyone has the same definition... You could argue that they are wrong about their definition, but, that doesn't change the fact that we have a language problem on this.)
by RoyGBiv
Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:58 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23166

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

The Annoyed Man wrote:
Toorop wrote:Gay rights and abortion are also important to me as I am pro-gay rights and pro-choice. I am also pro-gun but it is not the only factor on how I vote.
Does it bother you that a large majority of all voters (regardless of party, and please note that I did not say "all") who are pro-gay and pro-choice would crush your right to keep and bear arms if they could?
Proof? Data? Or just worry, suspicion and fear?
Just because the VOCAL one's may be anti RKBA does not make them a large majority.... or even a small majority.

Here exactly is the problem in politics today... To choose Republican too often means tolerating a lot of social intolerance. And to choose Democrat too often means choosing social progressivism over fiscal sanity. A candidate who espouses fiscal sanity and social tolerance can't get past the primaries. Pity us, for we are fools.
by RoyGBiv
Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:52 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23166

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

The Annoyed Man wrote:
punkndisorderly wrote:I love Ron Paul. He has principals and you can pretty much guess what he's going to say before he says it. He'll still say it even if he knows it won't be popular.

I wonder if he's unelectable because he just is, or because the liberals and neo-con politicians, political hacks, and main stream media have repeated it so often it has become true.

I can't stand Perry. He's all politician. He's always struck me a a pretty boy concerned with Rick Perry first, his buddies and cronies second, and Texas third. I'll hold my nose and vote for him if I have to. Obama is worse. My wife can't stand Obama either, but has said she'll stay home on election day if it's between Perry and Obama.

To me, a Perry vs Obama election reminds me of the douche vs thug election on the show South Park.
If more Ron Paul supporters were as practical as you are, we would have fewer problems in November getting Obama out of office. With all due respect to your wife, I understand her frustration, but staying home in protest will help to ensure an Obama victory—making her as responsible for the outcome as anybody who votes for him. There really is no middle ground here. A second Obama term would be the permanent death knell of Constitutional government in this country. Either a "stay at home" protest, or a 3rd party protest vote is a vote FOR Obama—no matter the purity of your intentions.
Reality stinks sometimes.

I had to clear a dead possum from my yard yesterday. He was there maybe 2-3 days before the winds came up and provided notice of his demise.
Sure, I could have just gone out and cut some Rosemary from the spice bed and come back in the house, but the problem would only have gotten worse.

Obama stinks even more.
by RoyGBiv
Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:43 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23166

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

punkndisorderly wrote:I love Ron Paul. He has principals and you can pretty much guess what he's going to say before he says it. He'll still say it even if he knows it won't be popular.

I wonder if he's unelectable because he just is, or because the liberals and neo-con politicians, political hacks, and main stream media have repeated it so often it has become true.
Most of America will not vote for a person that is sooo ODD.
He's got a quirky demeanor, a shy-but-nerdy-grandfatherly-professor-like-harmless-old-man persona.
Ru Paul has a beter shot at winning the nomination than Ron Paul.
None of that is any commentary on his platform, just an observation that America can be superficial that way.

What is it about Libertarians, anyways, Gary Johnson is almost as odd as Ron Paul? :mrgreen:
by RoyGBiv
Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:04 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23166

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

Rick Perry = Politics as usual
Ron Paul = As unusual as it gets

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