I am still astounded at how many people fell for the Hope and Change rhetoric.
It was transparently obvious (to me) then that we would get what we now have.
Public speaking is of course only a small part of Leading.
Back on topic...
Just as Obama's 2008 promises were transparently foolish, Romney's proposals are transparently fungible and prima facia, insufficient. Paul's are just plain nutty in some key areas (foreign policy!). Cain is fairly articulate (there are some nuances about his speaking style that I find annoying, but overall he does a very good job conveying his message, IMO) and his proposals thus far show an understanding of the problem, a direction of attack that is based on both macroeconomic reality and are not tainted by inside-the-beltline political thinking. Cain, IMO, evokes Reagan in that he is clearly guided by his religious compass, but he does not wear it on his sleeve. His "positivity" is engaging, infectious, sorely needed and also evokes Reagan. Cain believes in America, Perry and Romney come across as believing in themselves, primarily. Cain has "been there, done that" in the business world (doing turn-around work requires nuts-and-bolts, hands-on executive skills, not just a spreadsheet and a red pen) and at the Fed, vs. Romney, who is a Missionary, Lawyer, Management Consultant. His job at Bain was purely Finance and M&A, he was a leveraged buyout specialist. As things stand currently, Cain has SUBSTANCE, IMO, YMMV.
Perry has been my Governor since I arrived in TX in 2003. I still don't know what he stands for. To me, he's a character. A good-lookin' good-ol-boy "Texan", from a storybook. But what has he actually done? Door-to-door book salesman, Air Force (respect.!
), Cotton Farmer, Politician. Honestly, "Where's the beef?" As Governor, his most visible "accomplishments" were HPV (opinion deleted) and the Trans-Texas Corridor (which is where now?). I would go so far as to characterize his tenure as Governor as "coasting". Texas was on a good path when he took office and, like Bill Clinton's term in the WH, Perry has managed to not muck it up. Nothing to write home to momma about. He's a frat boy, like GWB, with a good record on 2A. Not enough for me. YMMV
My mind is not made up... but.. there you have it so far... FWIW.