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by SewTexas
Thu May 31, 2018 6:16 pm
Forum: Governor's Abbott's "School and Firearm Safety Action Plan"
Topic: Gov. Greg Abbott announced a new school safety plan and proposed changes to gun laws
Replies: 83
Views: 111195

Re: Gov. Greg Abbott announced a new school safety plan and proposed changes to gun laws

Charles L. Cotton wrote: Thu May 31, 2018 10:33 am
Grundy1133 wrote: Wed May 30, 2018 6:07 pm
twomillenium wrote: Wed May 30, 2018 5:57 pm
Grundy1133 wrote: Wed May 30, 2018 4:49 pm
LeonCarr wrote: Wed May 30, 2018 4:44 pm When are the Santa Fe shooter's parents, or any other mass shooter under 18's parents, going to be charged with making firearms accessible to minors?

Putting adults in jail for not keeping their firearms secure is a big step in the right direction.

Just my .02,
We live in a society where nobody wants to take responsibility for their actions so it's easier to blame an inanimate who can't defend itself.
In order to charge the parents then a law would have to be made up. He was 17, parents not required to lock up firearms from him.
if that's what needs to be done then so be it. I guarantee you if the parents were scared of going to jail, they'd be sure to keep their guns locked up which would in turn make it harder for these delinquents to get their hands on guns.
I disagree. TPC §46.13 should be repealed, rather than raise the prohibited age to 18 years. We cannot have laws that target a tiny fraction of people in any given subgroup to the extreme prejudice of an overwhelming majority of people within that subgroup. For every school shooter under age 17, there are hundreds of thousands of teenagers at home alone because their parent(s) are working. Why should a 15 year old girl at home alone be defenseless on the off-chance that one kid in many millions will engage in criminal misuse of a firearm? Doing so when violent home invasions are on the rise is unconscionable in my view.

I'm putting together a podcast on the Governor's Plan.

exactly what Mr Cotton said! 11, 12 years ago when our house was broken into in Colorado Springs, on Easter Morning, we were all at Church. But the week before my 14 year old daughter had been home alone, sick. Our kids knew where we kept our guns and how to use them, and two weeks later when we got a gun safe we taught them the combo, the safe wasn't to keep our teens out of it, it was to keep bad guys out of it. Our guns were/are to keep our family safe.

btw, would you like to take a guess at how long it took to leave my kids home alone again? months....
by SewTexas
Thu May 31, 2018 3:05 pm
Forum: Governor's Abbott's "School and Firearm Safety Action Plan"
Topic: Gov. Greg Abbott announced a new school safety plan and proposed changes to gun laws
Replies: 83
Views: 111195

Re: Governor Abbott Navigates Public Attitudes and Political Realities with Gun Policy Announcement

Papa_Tiger wrote: Thu May 31, 2018 2:38 pm
SewTexas wrote: Thu May 31, 2018 2:18 pm what happened to the other topic? I had notifications, then when I clicked on it it told me I wasn't "authorized", then it disappeared....all very weird.
Looks like there is a sub-forum in the "Legislative" forum specifically for Governor Abbot's Gun Policy announcement. I suspect the initial thread wound up there and this one will too eventually. As the sub-forum is new, the permissions are still getting worked out.
ah, I see it.
by SewTexas
Thu May 31, 2018 2:18 pm
Forum: Governor's Abbott's "School and Firearm Safety Action Plan"
Topic: Gov. Greg Abbott announced a new school safety plan and proposed changes to gun laws
Replies: 83
Views: 111195

Re: Governor Abbott Navigates Public Attitudes and Political Realities with Gun Policy Announcement

what happened to the other topic? I had notifications, then when I clicked on it it told me I wasn't "authorized", then it disappeared....all very weird.
by SewTexas
Wed May 30, 2018 10:28 pm
Forum: Governor's Abbott's "School and Firearm Safety Action Plan"
Topic: Gov. Greg Abbott announced a new school safety plan and proposed changes to gun laws
Replies: 83
Views: 111195

Re: Gov. Greg Abbott announced a new school safety plan and proposed changes to gun laws

jason812 wrote: Wed May 30, 2018 9:30 pm Keep guns and ammo away from 17 year olds because they are children. When they shoot up a school, the same 17 year old is tried as an adult. I think the little thug should be hung but I also think there needs to be some consistency in the laws.

Like others have asked, why do LTC holders continue to be barred from carrying in a school? There's a small chance that a LTC holder would be at the school but it's better than zero chance.
no, they aren't, if they were the death penalty would be on the table as would life. As it is according to Paxton the Santa Fe shooter may possibly get the max of 40 years unless some fancy footwork happens.
by SewTexas
Wed May 30, 2018 5:09 pm
Forum: Governor's Abbott's "School and Firearm Safety Action Plan"
Topic: Gov. Greg Abbott announced a new school safety plan and proposed changes to gun laws
Replies: 83
Views: 111195

Re: Gov. Greg Abbott announced a new school safety plan and proposed changes to gun laws

LeonCarr wrote: Wed May 30, 2018 4:44 pm When are the Santa Fe shooter's parents, or any other mass shooter under 18's parents, going to be charged with making firearms accessible to minors?

Putting adults in jail for not keeping their firearms secure is a big step in the right direction.

Just my .02,
I'm not sure he is technically underage for be allow access to guns. We need to check it out. Abbott said something about it this afternoon....he said something about wanting the leg. to write clarifying language, or something to that effect, because right now it reads "under age 17" and it needs to read either "including age 17" or "under age 18". If I understood this part correctly, he was allowed access, I think?
by SewTexas
Wed May 30, 2018 4:02 pm
Forum: Governor's Abbott's "School and Firearm Safety Action Plan"
Topic: Gov. Greg Abbott announced a new school safety plan and proposed changes to gun laws
Replies: 83
Views: 111195

Re: Gov. Greg Abbott announced a new school safety plan and proposed changes to gun laws

SewTexas wrote: Wed May 30, 2018 2:30 pm I'm listening to him talk right now in Hays County....announcing his "plan". For the most part it's pretty good. I'm not sure what part will need the Leg to act though?
Also, I want to make it clear....I want to read his "plan", but I'm on day 2 of a migraine, so...reading anything of substance is going to have to wait until pain and drugs are gone.
by SewTexas
Wed May 30, 2018 2:30 pm
Forum: Governor's Abbott's "School and Firearm Safety Action Plan"
Topic: Gov. Greg Abbott announced a new school safety plan and proposed changes to gun laws
Replies: 83
Views: 111195

Re: Gov. Greg Abbott announced a new school safety plan and proposed changes to gun laws

I'm listening to him talk right now in Hays County....announcing his "plan". For the most part it's pretty good. I'm not sure what part will need the Leg to act though?

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