I used to be a world traveler however in the last few years only make one trip a year to teach a class in Vegas. After going through the body scanner and getting my stuff off of the conveyer a TSA employee came up to me and told me I could not leave the area yet that he had to check my hair for a weapon. The hair is very short. Thankfully I cut the pony tail a year ago. He stared at me for almost a minute before letting me leave. Don't know if this is normal?
Also did not expect they would make me remove belt. I was wearing some very large pants as I have been loosing a lot of weight. Told them it would not be a pretty sight if my pants fell. Had to beat a hasty retreat to a bathroom to make repairs.
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- Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:09 am
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: CHL License at Airport
- Replies: 17
- Views: 4748
- Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:21 am
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: CHL License at Airport
- Replies: 17
- Views: 4748
CHL License at Airport
Well, I went and did it. Was flying to a convention in Vegas last week and when I had to show my driver's license at TSA security point accidently pulled out the CHL. I wish these did not look the same as DL. Without glasses I cannot tell them apart. Guard at gate smiled told me he needed a DL which very embrassed I showed, while telling him I was not carrying and he let me through. It did look like I was getting some extra scurtiny.