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by dihappy
Wed Oct 14, 2009 7:14 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Someone Banged On My Door The Other Night
Replies: 34
Views: 4957

Re: Someone Banged On My Door The Other Night

Yes, isnt it amazing though, the revelation people get when they realize that they really arent perfectly safe in their little bubbles :)
by dihappy
Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:48 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Someone Banged On My Door The Other Night
Replies: 34
Views: 4957

Re: Someone Banged On My Door The Other Night

snorri wrote:When I go out of town for a weekend, or even a few weeks, my guns look after themselves better than dogs.
One thing about cute doggies is, 1. Their cute, 2. They cuddle :)
by dihappy
Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:46 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Someone Banged On My Door The Other Night
Replies: 34
Views: 4957

Re: Someone Banged On My Door The Other Night

SlowDave wrote:
dihappy wrote:Right, i may forego the shotty for another handgun and a small safe/lockbox instead. If she gets her CHL, we wont have to worry too much about the safe in the home as she could keep her gun in her car in a lockbox like i have my my car.
Didn't you just disable your fix? If she keeps the gun in the car, then she STILL doesn't have a means of defense in the house. Or did I miss something? :headscratch

Also, on the dog front... I have a dog, but... they're a LONG way from the cure-all. For one, my guns have never defecated, urinated, or vomitted in my house, nor even shed hair for that matter. (MY dog hasn't either yet, but he mostly stays outside.) They don't require feeding twice a day. No worm medicine or vet visits. And they won't swap teams if the bad guy has a piece of food. I acknowledge that a gun's no good if she's opposed to it. I still think a gun in a minimally trained person's hand is a lot better than a surrender to the BG. I know it *could* turn bad, but I'd take the odds with the armed option. She does need to go to the range and learn to shoot, but I think the odds turn in her favor at that point, even without combat-style or other advanced training. More training is of course better, but... some is good.
She would only lock her handgun in her car while at work. She would of course have it with her while in the house.
by dihappy
Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:56 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Someone Banged On My Door The Other Night
Replies: 34
Views: 4957

Re: Someone Banged On My Door The Other Night

Rugrash wrote:I have one of these on each door." onclick=";return false;

It will make their job harder and maybe give you enough time to arm yourself (if you aren't already) and to try and call 911. They'll also make a lot of noise as well trying to force the door.
by dihappy
Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:53 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Someone Banged On My Door The Other Night
Replies: 34
Views: 4957

Re: Someone Banged On My Door The Other Night

seamusTX wrote:Dihappy, exactly what is your concern about a safe? Preventing theft when you are not home?

Most apartments won't easily accommodate a gun safe, and it costs a lot to get them moved if you don't have some husky friends who will work for beer and pizza.

You can get a Stack-on safe or even a locker that will slow down a snatch-and-run burglar. Those things do have "steal me" written on them, and they won't stop a determined thief who has time to crack them.

Many homes also offer places of concealment, though experienced burglars are pretty good at finding them.

- Jim
Right, i may forego the shotty for another handgun and a small safe/lockbox instead. If she gets her CHL, we wont have to worry too much about the safe in the home as she could keep her gun in her car in a lockbox like i have my my car.
by dihappy
Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:50 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Someone Banged On My Door The Other Night
Replies: 34
Views: 4957

Re: Someone Banged On My Door The Other Night

Russell wrote:
However, about the gun safe, I am assuming you would leave the shotgun out while at home, and when *both* of you are leaving it would get put up? I hope so, as a gun that is designated as a home defense gun that stays in the safe is pretty worthless at the time of need!
by dihappy
Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:20 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Someone Banged On My Door The Other Night
Replies: 34
Views: 4957

Re: Someone Banged On My Door The Other Night

Thank you for the response.
Im in Austin, and may be moving to Ft Worth soon.

The door does have a peep hole, and she "says" she didnt open the door.

I made it very clear (again) how she should never open the door to see who it is.

A shot gun is definitely a good idea and i think i will bring it over from my dads house, but i need a safe :(.

I dont like leaving any gun unsecured in the home. I think she just needs to get her CHL.
by dihappy
Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:21 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Someone Banged On My Door The Other Night
Replies: 34
Views: 4957

Someone Banged On My Door The Other Night

So im at work and get a text from my fiance saying that there were 3 separate knocks/bangs at the apartment door, and that each time she looked there was no one there.

She seemed to think that it was some kids playing around. The time was 10pm and we live on the top floor (3rd).

Well, since "waking up" and getting my CHL, i seem to maybe get a bit more paranoid than i used to and told her i was calling the police.

So i called and told them what happen and asked if someone could go check it out.

After i hung up i didnt feel right not being there so i took off early from work. I arrived just after the officer left and he said there was no one around.

I explained to my fiance that some low lifes knock to see if anyones home, and if not, they will kick the door in. I told her she needs to yell out "who is it" next time.

And i need to get her a gun even though she doesnt have her CHL yet.

What do you guys think?

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