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by XinTX
Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:21 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Craigslist robbery
Replies: 61
Views: 10126

Re: Craigslist robbery

As was said earlier, this kind of stuff has been going on way before the invention of Craigslist, or AlGores invention of the internet.

Back in the 70's my dad was in a group of guys who met at a local place to sip coffee and talk about all the things going on in the county. Kind of a 'county fathers' gathering in the rural Georgia county where we lived at the time. One guy was talking about selling his Rolex watch. Guy at the table said "Don't advertise it, if you want to sell it, I'll buy it if you decide to." But he puts an ad in the local and Atlanta papers. Buyer calls, and comes to his home driving a Mercedes sedan. He opens the door, buyer asks to see the watch. Seller produces it, at which point the 'buyer' produces a pistol and takes the Rolex. Seller calls the cops after the robber leaves. He read the plates. Cops say the Merc was stolen that morning. I'm guessing the 'buyer' obtained it pretty much the same way.

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