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by kauboy
Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:23 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Acaemy's new gun sale policy (GRRRRR)
Replies: 59
Views: 8738

Re: Acaemy's new gun sale policy (GRRRRR)

tboesche wrote:Well, I just bought one from the Academy on I-35 in Burleson yesterday. I picked up a Ruger 10-22 Carbine for $184.00 for my daughter. While there, I looked at a couple AR's, They had no problem handing them to me. No trigger locks! When I was ready to check out, the sales person, not the manager, walked me to the cash register, and then out side of the store she handed me the gun.
That's my store of choice too! I live just a hop, skip, and a jump from it.
I have to ask, when you looked at the ARs, did you ask to pop the pin and look inside?
I did, and they didn't want me to.
However, I'm still satisfied with the service there. I bought a Bersa Thunder .380 CC a while back and the sales guy even stayed on the clock to help me, instead of handing me off to the next guy.
Corporate policy is understandable, and not something many employees are inclined to challenge. But, staying with a customer past your time to get off without the bonus of commission... now that says something about the service they offer. :thumbs2:
And why I continue to visit regularly!
by kauboy
Sun Apr 13, 2008 12:40 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Acaemy's new gun sale policy (GRRRRR)
Replies: 59
Views: 8738

Re: Acaemy's new gun sale policy (GRRRRR)

AEA wrote: I will "window shop" at Cabela's but I will not buy another pistol from them. I do not go along with being "Escorted" to the exit (while the store employee carries the pistol I just purchased) and having the gun handed to me once outside the front door. Especially since the pistol in question is unloaded and boxed and I am carrying a loaded 1911 and several spare mags on my belt!

They know I am a CHL because they saw my license when I purchased the pistol from them. They should be able to assume that I am carrying when I am there.

It is STUPID store policy that might be OK for the non-CHL purchaser, but not for folks like me and they should change it. We are most likely to be repeat customers anyway and they are loosing a lot of CHL business because of this.
They don't care if your a full outfitted cop with your gun hanging in plain sight. Somebody at corporate sat down with somebody in their insurance department and decided that they would NEVER be responsible for selling a gun, handing it to a stranger(and yes, you are one), and letting him shoot up the place.
So, to cover their backsides, they walk your gun up to the front. They release all responsibility for the firearm, and nobody can sue them if you turn around, walk back in, and blast away.
We don't deserve special treatment just because we have a piece of plastic that says we can carry. That isn't why I got it.
You should be treated just like every other patron of their business.
If that doesn't sit well with you, that's your choice.
srothstein wrote:If you think it is a bad policy for CHL's, consider how I feel about it. And I carry openly in the store so they know there is a loaded gun on my hip. And the policy is the same at most large department stores now (Academy, Wal-Mart, Bass Pro). About the only place I can buy a pistol and not be escorted are the small gun shops and police supply stores.

Of course, I have always preferred to support smaller local stores anyway. They are usually much more knowledgeable and willing to order exactly what I want. They cost a little more, but service always does.
Did I read that right???
You open carry in public???
In Texas???
Did I miss something? Do you own your own store, and open carry there?

Oh wait... just noticed the "police supply stores" bit.
So you're an officer I assume?
I feel like a horse's patoot. :oops:
by kauboy
Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:00 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Acaemy's new gun sale policy (GRRRRR)
Replies: 59
Views: 8738

Re: Acaemy's new gun sale policy (GRRRRR)

nuparadigm wrote:
kauboy wrote: ...Oh dear lord! :waiting:
We have once again proven Godwin's Law
I private business can do what it wants, and you can submit to it, or not.
They aren't an oppressive government.
'Ol son, it appears as if you did not read far enough on the Godwin's Law url ... going down to the association fallacy which you so splendidly made. Your assumption was that my reference was to Nazis. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, my reference was to the routines of our nanny state filtering into private businesses.

Your lecture concerning which business may gain my patronage and which may not gain it was well-received, but you were preaching to the choir.
I stated no fallacy. All common references to a government official asking to see your "papers please", is a reference to Nazi Germany.
Please offer up another supported example of such, and I'll gladly withdraw my statement.
Again, private business can do what it wants. Whether they choose to adopt policies seen in government is their decision. If they see benefit, why not?

On a personal note, I've never been asked for ID when handling one of their firearms. ;-)
by kauboy
Thu Apr 10, 2008 10:48 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Acaemy's new gun sale policy (GRRRRR)
Replies: 59
Views: 8738

Re: Acaemy's new gun sale policy (GRRRRR)

nuparadigm wrote:
KB5AKO wrote:....
On another note, it really perturbs me that I must surrender my DL to handle a gun. ...
"May I see your papers, please?"
Oh dear lord! :waiting:
We have once again proven Godwin's Law
I private business can do what it wants, and you can submit to it, or not.
They aren't an oppressive government.
by kauboy
Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:33 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Acaemy's new gun sale policy (GRRRRR)
Replies: 59
Views: 8738

Re: Acaemy's new gun sale policy (GRRRRR)

Pete wrote:The Academy here has an odd policy.

When I bought a handgun I had to be walked out the store, I was not allowed to hold my purchase until out the door.

Odd thing was I showed him my CHL to speed up NCIC check.

So he knew I had a CHL, I could legally carry a loaded handgun concealed all day in the store, but could not carry the unloaded one out the door. The salesman had to do it.

Not a big deal, I just looked at him with a wierd look, he just smiled and said "I know, it is the rule".
That's probably more of an insurance thing than a "can I trust this guy" thing.
Every gun I've ever purchased; hangun, rifle, shotgun, they've all been carried to the front door for me.

As for Academy's policy, I asked to see one of their M&P ARs and he handed it to me. (I'm above the 21 notch)
I then asked if he would mind if I opened her up to look inside. Before I could even touch the pin; "ACTUALLY, I do mind."
Uh... what? I'm supposed to buy a $900 rifle on exterior looks alone???
No thanks. I handed it back and said I couldn't even consider it without seeing it all.

Good thing I'm building my own. :mrgreen:

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