The kid that was browsing my garage late one night elicited an incorrect response from me. I chased him down the street, tackled him, and drug him back to the house. Banged on the door and told the wife to bring me a pistol and a phone. Then called 911, all the while explaining to this little twerp that if he tried to stick his hands in his pockets again, I'd just shoot him and be done with it.
Needless to say, I shouldn't have chased him. I know. I did detain, and the NRHills PD was extremely grateful, seems they had been looking for the kid for a couple of months.
My son on the other hand has done the same in public. Shortly after his return from his first tour in Iraq, he was driving to work to his oilfield yard down Rosedale. The jeep broke down, and while he is investigating the cause a man walks up to him holding a knife. From a distance of about 15 feet the guy demands my sons wallet. My son, having about the same tolerance for bull as myself, and just returned from a lengthy combat tour, assured the guy he didn't really want to do this. Well, this continued back and forth a few times, until my son agreed to get his wallet out of the jeep. As the BG stood there waiting patiently my son pulls his shotgun from the jeep, turns and asks the BG, "I told you, you didn't want to do this today, how much money do you have?" They stood like this for a minute or so and out of nowhere FTWPD pulls up. Long story short, the shotgun was unloaded, the police officer admonished my son that a wallet wasn't worth his life, yada yada yada, by the way thanks for your service and good job catching this guy. The BG had fled the scene, pursued by the other officer, caught, and was crying that my son had attempted to rob him at gunpoint. The officer quipped something about bringing a knife to a gun fight. They let my son go on his way to work.
Sorry for the lengthy post. I guess in my mind, in my case if the kid had been inside the house it's different than just trying to shop in my garage.
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- by Winchster
- Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:49 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Consequences For Holding A Bad Guy
- Replies: 75
- Views: 9623
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