Now that we have cleared up the issue of whether the government can tax inactivity, here is a short list of inactions I propose to tax:
Failure to vote (assuming you are qualified): Taxed at $10,000 per local / state election, $100,000 for national elections
Failure to be properly educated on the issues at hand in an election: Taxed at the same rates as above
Failure to memorize the US constitution, including all ammendments: $100,000 per year, starting at age 18
Failure to obtain english proficiency by the time you are 18 years old (ebonics don't count): $50,000 per year
Failure to raise children who show proper respect to their elders: $10,000 per year, per child
Failure to serve in the US Military for a minumum of 2 years prior to one's 25th birthday: $100,000 per year for the rest of your life
Failure to donate a minimum of 10% of your income to an "approved" charity: 10% income tax
Failure by a Man to open a door for a Lady: $100 per occurrence, unless it can be shown that the female in question "ain't no Lady". In other words, no need to open a door for Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, or the like.
Some of these would require additional definition, including appropriate testing procedures, but we can bury all that in the bill and read that stuff after it's passed.
Since the majority can now constitutionally force the minority to do ANYTHING they want, all we need is for right minded representatives to take over the majority.
Search found 3 matches
- Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:48 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: obamacare upheld
- Replies: 323
- Views: 55226
- Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:16 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: obamacare upheld
- Replies: 323
- Views: 55226
Re: obamacare upheld
This is a great idea! Texas as a whole should "Leave it"! Secession is the answer. If you don't like that direction, then you are welcome to leave Texas.BillT wrote:To coin and old phrase...."America, love it or leave it". Today, as always, I am a proud American. For those of you so upset, there are a number of countries that would be more than happy to consider your immigration application. Americans are the model for the world, I've seen this with my own eyes as I have lived in and traveled extensively around the world for almost 40 years. In my humble opinion, there is no better place that shows democracy at work better than my country.
Just out of curiosity, is there anyone on this forum that wants health insurance but cannot get it at a price they can afford? Anyone have a chronic and severe health condition for which they are willing to forgo health care with potentially fatal consequences or worse yet your own child in that situation? I see a lot of crying and complaining, but alternative solutions to a very real problem facing millions of Americans is conspicuously absent from these post as well as the Republican leadership. If Republicans plan to run on a platform of repealing the Affordable Healthcare Act, then they better come up with an alternative solution to the problem. Otherwise the majority of Americans will vote to keep them out of office. For the record, I work for a small business. I pay dearly for my health insurance. I feel very fortunate in life and would be willing to contribute a little more of my disposable income for the benefit of those less fortunate to help solve this humanitarian issue. I'm guessing I'm in a very small minority in this forum, but not in the USA.
And here I thought you and I disagreed.
The USA is dead. Long live the Republic of Texas!
- Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:28 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: obamacare upheld
- Replies: 323
- Views: 55226
Re: obamacare upheld
mamabearCali wrote:LikesShinyThings wrote:It's worse than the passing of the law. There is always a hope that the administration changes with the year. If that happens, there's a chance the law will be repealed. But that doesn't change to tragedy of the Supreme Court decision... the decision stands as precedent, even if this law goes away. With the precedent, there are other laws that can be passed that inflict further horrors. anything can be forced upon us as a tax. Govt wants to force you to eat bananas....if you don't buy bananas pay a tax. Gov wants to force you to use green energy...if you don't-- pay a tax. What a pandoras box.
The damage is done regardless of what happens to this law. The SCOTUS just said that the government can force US citizens to buy anything they want, under the guise of a tax.
I have a solution to the housing crisis. Anyone who makes over $50,000 a year must either immediately buy a house, or pay a tax equal to $20,000 a year. Problem solved.
The next time the auto industry starts hurting, we will just impose a tax on anyone making more than $X unless they buy a new car, etc.
Liberals need to understand that this cuts both ways. A conservative administration and congress can mandate that everyone buy a firearm, and receive proper training. If you don't like it. That's fine. Just pay a tax equal to 75% of your income.
For all intents and purposes, the people living in the territory formerly known as the United States of America are no longer free men and women. We only have freedom to the extent that the elites want us to have freedom, which is to say that we have no freedom whatsoever. The USA was a nice experiment while it lasted. We had a good run for 150 years or so, and lingered on for almost another 100 years. Most countries lasted longer, but Democracy is tough. In the end, our little experiment has failed.
It will be interesting to see what we get next after the inevitable turmoil that will be coming. History has shown that oppressive governments are always overthrown. Even sheep can only take oppression for a limited amount of time before they eventually stand up to their oppressor.
In the mean time, all I can do is make sure that I am as prepared as possible.