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by Katygunnut
Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:48 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Possibly exposed at Academy
Replies: 27
Views: 5531

Re: Possibly exposed at Academy

glbedd53 wrote:I carry a 3-1/2" 1911 OWB, for about a year and a half now and I've never had any indication anyone has seen anything. I usually carry it in a Bianchi 82 Carrylok so the lower part of the gun is covered by the holster but I wonder how the law applies if the holster got accidently exposed but not the gun itself. The holster is black and I doubt it would be noticed anyway.
I think you would be fine in Texas, because as I've learned since my OP in this thread, it is not illegal to unintentionally flash a gun.

To (what I think is) the point of your post, I'm not sure if there is a distinction between a holster that has a gun versus one that is empty when it comes to intentional failure to conceal. I would assume that I have no duty to conceal an empty holster. Not sure if that changes by virtue of the fact that the holster contains an (otherwise concealed) gun.
by Katygunnut
Mon Oct 25, 2010 4:23 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Possibly exposed at Academy
Replies: 27
Views: 5531

Re: Possibly exposed at Academy

Middle Age Russ wrote:I think the other responses sound reasonable given this sort of situation.

I assume that you did not carry once you got to Reliant, though (since this was a professional sporting event), and stowed your handgun.
Correct. I didn't carry into the game. Left it securely locked in my car (using a Nanovault safe). I did get a kick out of the fact that they were patting down everyone at the gate (at least the one I went through), but the pat down was so cursory that there is no way he would have felt a gun in my normal carry positions or IWB, pocket, and ankle, since his hands never got close to those areas. I definitely got the feeling that the pat down was more for show.
by Katygunnut
Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:44 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Possibly exposed at Academy
Replies: 27
Views: 5531

Re: Possibly exposed at Academy

Fangs wrote:
gigag04 wrote:Wasn't're fine either way :)
Up in that area (depending on which way you came from and which Academy you stopped at), the whole unintentional thing might not really help. Wasn't handog's experience close to there?
It was actually the Academy on I-10 in Katy (closer to my house).
by Katygunnut
Fri Oct 22, 2010 4:18 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Possibly exposed at Academy
Replies: 27
Views: 5531

Possibly exposed at Academy

Last Sunday, I took my daughter to the Texans game. On the way, we stopped at our local Academy to buy some Texans jerseys (cheaper then buying them at the game). I was debating between two sizes and tried them on over my T-shirt. As I was taking the smaller of the two off, my shirt rode up uncovering the Taurus slim in my waist band at 3:30. I quickly pulled my shirt back down and noticed an employee that was positioned to where he could possibly have seen that I had a gun (not sure). He looked at me, I smiled. I grabbed the correct size and headed to the check-out stand. No issues. Either he didn't see exactly what it was, or he didn't really care.

I am interested in thoughts on how I handled this. Obviously, it would have been smarter to just use the dressing room, but I was in a hurry, and I also got sloppy.

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