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by phddan
Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:18 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Sheriff: Ex-officer took gun to school
Replies: 14
Views: 3142

Re: Sheriff: Ex-officer took gun to school

frankie_the_yankee wrote:
School Superintendent Katie McGee said she was "surprised" that the incident took place at the school, which is well-marked with signs at the entrance prohibiting the carrying of firearms on the grounds.
Words fail me here. I have no idea what Ms. McGee could possibly have been thinking when she made that statement. In fact, I found it to be quite a stretch to use her name and the word "thinking" in the same sentence. IMO, the taxpayers in that school district are getting ripped off.

Just another pie in the sky, head in the sand school official. It always amazes me just how ignorant these supposedly educated people are. College educated people without a lick of common sense. And this is what is molding the minds of our most precious resource.
Disgusting, absolutely disgusting.


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