Then you're doing it the hard way. IDEs are REALLY helpful. Not WYSIWIG, IDE (Integrated Development Environments). The auto complete for PHP alone will save you a ton of typing, remember the spelling, parameters, etc. They do a lot of autocompletion too for HTML/CSS.Skiprr wrote:...and I manually tweak templates, PHP, and CSS. Heck, I still refuse to use any HTML frontend editor; I write HTML, CSS, and PHP in a raw ASCII editor. Been doing it that way since my first website in 1995.
Mind you, I started hand coding everything too, but the old adage of "work smarter, not harder" is on point here. Hand coding in a text area on Angelfire, my first page in Jan 1998. That's how I learned. I've made a 15yr long career out of that . . .
I use Aptana Studio (free) for almost all of my development. Notepad++ for the quick & dirty stuff.