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by sigma9
Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:37 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Young Conservatives of Texas-Spec Session-CampusCarry
Replies: 25
Views: 3793

Re: Young Conservatives of Texas-Spec Session-CampusCarry

I am wondering the same thing. Maybe I am missing something but is there something that restricts it from being added. It's just my thoughts but if Perry is considering a presidential run he's going to not want to address "controversial issues" to be able to get undecided independent voters on his side. i would feel better if he would handle this now. As much as i hate it sometimes you need to play the game to get your foot in the door. :???:

I doubt the Presidential run would stop him from dealling with "controversial issues"...He is the one that was pushing for the sonogram before and abortion bill. I think that was pretty controversial

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