The way I rember it is:"I'm going to come back when I make bail and kill you and your whole family, burn down your house and rape your dog".
A man was irritating his neighbors. Sometimes he was within the law sometimes he wasn't. Police were called. Notes were taken. No charges were ever brought against the "nutty neighbor".
The situation continued / was repeated for some time.
Finaly, he did some kind of threating stunt with his automobile. Car(s) were damaged and/or folks were injured. Police were called again and this time charges were filed. One of his neighbors (a "good guy") testified aganst him. The nut was not sentenced to prison.
After the trial he showed up at the home of the "good guy" and made something like the above threat. The "good guy" responded by going into the house, loading his .45, getting in his car, running the "nut" off the road, then "good guy" emptied his .45 into the "nut". The "nut" responded by dying.
Charges were filed against the "good guy". He was found guilty of murder.
The neighborhood returned to it's natural state.
"Good guy" went to prison.
After reading the article, I remember thinking, "The "good guy" wouldn't have gone to prison if this had happened in Texas." I am more informed now and I am no longer sure that the good guy would win in Texas.