asbandr wrote:My husban and I have had to call the cops a few times. We had a neighbor that was drunk and yelling obscenities at us through the windows. My husband has had to confront him twice in the decade we've lived here. This neighbor is part of the reason I got my chl. Just to see how quickly he changed. One day he liked us and the next he hated us.
We had another situation soon after we moved in where we heard screaming in the middle of the night and my husband went outside (I know, big no no) and a woman was screaming that so and so hit her.
The only other times we've called 911 are for medical scares for me.
I hit the door because of a woman's screams in 74 or 75. We lived in apartments and had new neighbors next door.
Nothing happened. After I listened some more it was determined that the woman was a screamer when she was enjoying what was happening.