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by OldCurlyWolf
Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:09 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Grapevine PD
Replies: 24
Views: 5105

Re: Grapevine PD

pnctar wrote:Unfortunately, I was ticketed for speeding in Grand Prairie last September. The officer asked for my ID and said that the insurance card wasn't needed because he had already looked it up (work truck). I handed him my DL and CHL. He looked at the CHL, compared it to my DL and returned my CHL. He didn't ask if I was carrying or anything else, just "Thank you". Returned to his car, did the paperwork and returned for my signature.

Didn't like getting a ticket (first one in over 20 yrs) but, was very impressed with the way he presented himself, his professioanlism and courtesy.
I had dealings with GPPD back in 2006 when woman in a Medium size Japanese made car ran a red light while I was turning left. She went to the hospital. Her vehicle ricocheted about 40 feet off of my suburban at a 90˚ angle to her previous direction of travel.

Two officers made the scene. Both were pretty professional, but one did not like my refusal to have my vehicle pushed out of the way until the fender could be pried off of the right front tire. He also wasn't happy with me carrying, but he took zero action about that other than a facial expression. Other than the other driver not having insurance, and me getting to work late that day, it was not a bad interaction. :coolgleamA:
by OldCurlyWolf
Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:19 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Grapevine PD
Replies: 24
Views: 5105

Re: Grapevine PD

Unverified other than a newspaper story about 12-13 years ago, was that GVM mall was claiming that you could not even drive into the parking lot while carrying(The lot was NEVER posted) and GVPD said they would enforce that by making you leave or arresting for trespass. I do not know if that was ever actually enforced. As soon as I knew the mall was posted, Improperly but posted, I never went there again.

As to presenting your CHL. I always present everything in a manner so that there is NO doubt that a DL, CHL and Insurance are ALL being presented at one time. The last time I needed all 3 was 5 years ago in Grand Prairie. I presented DL and CHL last week to an officer taking a burglary report at my home. He didn't even ask if i was carrying. I found out the patrol officers in my district are informed of my LEO background from a comment the SGT. made.

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