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by OldCurlyWolf
Fri Dec 24, 2010 4:10 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Attemped Burglary
Replies: 17
Views: 4045

Re: Attemped Burglary

Keith B wrote:While your gesture in loaning her a gun was good, I will never loan a gun to a person who is not familiar with the type of gun until they have actually shot that gun with me at a range and proved they are proficient enough with it to be safe. IMO you could actually be doing them a disfavor when they are placed in a stressful situation and have to try and use it if they actually can't handle the firearm properly.

I would suggest getting her to a range and make sure she knows how to handle it safely and what to expect when is fires and she experiences the blast, recoil, etc. and can recover after the first shot and be able to proceed in subsequent shots if needed.
A quite good philosophy on your part Keith.


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