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by Ameer
Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:33 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Weird situation WWYD?
Replies: 37
Views: 5228

Re: Weird situation WWYD?

HonorGuard wrote:As someone who lived in that exact area for the last 14 months, I can say without pause that there are ALOT of shady characters wandering those ALL times of day and night. Second, I would also say you handled the situation perfectly: you were aware, you were ready, and you even gave a verbal command to avoid any unecessary issues. If there's anything I would add is that I might have considered just bugging out (and eat the $75 fine for the red-light ticket :rules: ). That whole area, up and down Main, Kirby, OST, etc, and even right down the street by the Rice running track I always see the same characters, and although they never have presented a threat or a problem to me personally, I always make it a point to watch out for them. I always say, you never know how despearte people are going to act. Again, good job on handling the situation!
The panhandlers and other street people have even spread beyond the loop in Houston but it seems to me they're less common in the small cities like Memorial Villages.

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