Just submitted this to the Senator's contact site.
"Common ground on Gun Control" comments by the Senator as quoted by Politico...
Senator, individual Liberty and human Rights are ideals that led to the founding of this nation as a Republic. There is NEVER a time to set these aside, even when less-principled individuals call for "public safety" measures -- measures which cannot and will not change human hearts and behaviors that lead to violence, even violence employing firearms. Humans are flawed, and Governments only compound the flaws when they stray from the ideals and principles of individual Liberty and Rights and strictly limited Government. A Government that tramples on individual (including my) Rights no longer recognizes the correct relationship between a free People and Government.
Statists, Globalists, Progressives, or whatever else you label them, will ALWAYS be calling for more "gun control" -- it suits their ends to subjugating the People under the oppressive weight of an all-controlling Government. They NEED to control guns to eliminate effective defense against their ends. Those who truly value individual Liberty and limited Government CANNOT heed these calls and remain true to their values and principles.
I, for one, believe that the American experiment in self-rule -- rooted in ideals and continuous improvement toward those ideals -- is worth preserving (and restoring, given how the Left has perverted things over the years). I urge you to keep the Founding principles close to your heart and mind and remember the counsel of those men. Uphold individual Liberty and Rights. Resist the Leftist juggernaut from a clear foundation of ideals and principles. Sacrifice NOTHING on the altar of "gun control".
Over the years, calls for compromise have been anything but -- the Left asks for draconian measures and then "compromises" for less while the rights of gun owners (and would-be gun owners) are limited, infringed on. This is not compromise; it is a strategy called incrementalism. It is also a clear infringement of Constitutionally-recognized individual Rights. Where the other side does not deal in good faith, there is no principled reason to deal at all. I, and the millions of other gun owners in this land who've seen our Rights trampled again and again at the altar of Goverment assurance of supposed public safety, strongly urge you to resist the "gun control" siren song.
Respectfully Yours,
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- by Middle Age Russ
- Fri Apr 23, 2021 9:12 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: Texas Senator John Cornyn open to finding "Common Ground" on gun control.
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3614
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