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by Bullwhip
Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:09 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: If I do it it's a threat, but if a LEO does it it's not?
Replies: 26
Views: 5989

Re: If I do it it's a threat, but if a LEO does it it's not?

Bad for police to do it too.

The officers I know like what they call the "interrogation stance". Some do it different ways, but most put one hand on top of hte other both hands open, around the belly button area or belt buckle. Nothing tucked in nothing clinched just resting lightly, lets them move fast to a draw if needed or put both hands up or hands on if needed.

I heard of some getting write ups for putting their hands on their gun all the time especially unsnapping the holster.

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