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by Bullwhip
Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:03 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona
Replies: 94
Views: 13683

Re: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona

bnc wrote:I think the whole concept of right and left is false.

There are only two ways for humans to interact with one another: cooperation or coercion. You can either peacefully get along, agree and negotiate, do things voluntarily, and not force others or be forced. Or, you can initiate force, or the threat thereof, to get others to bend to your will, or have the same done to you. Whether that force is called totalitarian, or socialist, or communist, or fascist, or Tsarist, or collectivist, or cultural, or pious, or by a majority rule, or by any other name is of little consequence. I doubt the prisoners of the gulag comforted themselves by knowing that at least the concentration camps where they were enslaved and died were communist death camps rather than the fascist death camps a bit to the west (or the other communist ones farther east). The end result is the same.

So, when encountered with a social system, the key feature is the extent to which some are forced by others. Can individuals peacefully abstain from a particular policy without official punishment? Can I engage in activity with others when all parties involved do so voluntarily? Am I free to go?
Who are you and why are you inside my head?

Wow, thats great, you said it exactly like I've been thinking for some time now.

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