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by olafpfj
Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:57 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: "Lisenced Handgun"
Replies: 35
Views: 4672

Re: "Lisenced Handgun"

Heartland Patriot wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:Ignorance in the media about licensing/registration is simply breath-taking. Sadly, that ignorance gets communicated to the public. An acquaintance at church last week told me that he had inherited a lever action rifle which was registered to his grandfather. When I told him there is no such thing as gun registration in Texas, he was confused. "Are you sure? I mean, he bought the gun. Wouldn't it be registered?" Even after I explained the legalities to him, he was shocked that it might be so, and still not sure whether or not to believe me. I let the matter drop. You can't fix ignorance with the willfully ignorant.
[My following question is serious, not baiting anyone or meant to disparage anyone, I promise.]

Was the person with the lever-action you tried to explain this to FROM Texas, or from some other state where firearms are required to be registered? I am convinced that one of the reasons we continuously hear that sort of thing from the "entertainment industry" is that most of the programs are made in California (which has some registration) and New York (which has a LOT of registration). That is the sort of thing that worries me with so many people coming into Texas so rapidly, is that they will bring those ideas here and "infect" the way we do business in Texas...I HATED the gun laws in California, and it seems like the ones in New York are worse, perhaps way worse.
As someone who has worked in the Hollywood TV and film industry and currently still works in the entertainment industry I feel qualified to answer your question...

In the entertainment world (MSM included) there are 3 maybe 4 cities in the country. In order... New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and maybe Chicago. Everything else is "Indian Territory". If you are not living in those cities then you are a hick rube unless you have "made it" in which case you can live wherever you want and commute to one of those 4 cities when you need to work. Europe is where you go to play and get away from work or if you can't stomach the thought of living on a ranch in Montana and having to interact with "people". Everything in television and film is from the New York and Los Angeles persepctive. They don't go anywhere else or think anywhere else is worth going to. New York is the pinacle of snobbery and there is a pecking order of class distinction based on what city you hail from...remember there are only 4 cities though... :grumble

I recently had a lighting designer from New York try to explain to me what a Kosher dill was because lordy me us poor Texas rubes couldn't possibly have any idear about what them there cultered yankee's are like. I usually let the touring guys make complete idiots of themselves before I tell them I'm from Los Angeles at which point they realize what pompous morons they've been being. This doesn't work with someone from New York since they are higher in the caste system though. Work in entertainment and Bloombergs holier than thou attitude makes perfect sense and is completely predictable. <end rant>

I never really did fit in to those cities or enviornments. I strive everyday to be less and less Los Angeles like and embrace my new home state... :txflag:

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