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by olafpfj
Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:37 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Laws regarding varmit control
Replies: 20
Views: 2250

Re: Laws regarding varmit control

Hoi Polloi wrote:There is NO way I'd get close enough to a poisonous snake to chop it up with a shovel!

From what I've read you'd have to get closer with the Shotshells than with a hoe...just sayin.... :shock:
by olafpfj
Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:06 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Laws regarding varmit control
Replies: 20
Views: 2250

Re: Laws regarding varmit control

Oldgringo wrote:Is there no one who mows lawns/yards in your 'hood?
Yes there are and that is what I ultimately went with. I had to do something when I looked up and down the street and realized we were becoming "that" yard.... :frown5:
Humanphibian wrote:I would recommend a new AR, throw in a .22LR upper, EOTech, Weapon Light, suppressor and good supply of, just sayin
LOL...nah...I'll just use my Garand or Enfield...that'll be subtle.... :coolgleamA:

Actually now that I think of it...I have a Westernfield M85 revolver in .22(all flavors). I could use some Super Colibris I have and no one would know the difference. Closing the lid to my grill makes more noise.... :biggrinjester:

However, I do take the "CHL holders are more law abiding" thing to heart...and I do like nature and whatnot. Sadly I've decided that if I'm going to feel more superior to the masses...sigh...I have to be more superior than the masses. I'm going to console myself with a glass of port...on my yacht...where I keep my horse...right after fencing school...but before I meet with the Prince of Monaco.... :thumbs2:
by olafpfj
Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:21 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Laws regarding varmit control
Replies: 20
Views: 2250

Laws regarding varmit control

I kinda let my yard get a little on the jurassic scale while I was working insane hours and finally got it mowed. This, as I feared however, stirred up quite a few wee beasties that had enjoyed the overgrown backyard. I am not concerned with the odd mouse or insect but I did come across a small snake in the yard. Turns out it was just a small harmless grass snake but it got me thinking about if it had been something poisonous. I have 3 small children and would not want a copperhead or something else dangerous hanging around for any length of time. So I purchased some CCI shotshells in 9mm and 45ACP just in case I need to deal with one. I have read extensively about them and understand what they can and can't do etc...

So the question is not about the shotshells but about what, if any, trouble I would get in if I were to dispatch some snake in the yard and the cops got a "shots fired" call. Keep in mind I would never just flippantly start shooting snakes, mice, spiders, tin cans etc. in a residential area. This would be a scenario reserved solely for a truly dangerous critter that I am not about to let wander about. I know from my cousins experience with a raccoon in her chimney that in the city of Grapevine, where I am also located, animal control will only deal with dogs and cats. If it is something else you need to call a private animal wrangler and they cost money. The dispatcher from Grapevine PD told her to just shoot the darn thing and be done with it... :thumbs2:

So the question is....REALLY?!!!.... :shock: ...I know this is Texas and all but can I legally do that?

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