Because we're the world's richest nation; if we don't bend over backwards to repress the repressors, then they will see us as self-centered, heartless, and evil for refusing to help our fellow man. On the other hand, if we do help, then they (different they... mostly) will see us as self-centered, heartless, and evil for taking it upon ourselves to interfere. Either way, we get hated.Oldgringo wrote:That too; unfortunately, it's not limited to a single party or administration. Why can't we (United States) mind our own business and let these people kill each other off. These are not our brothers and we are not the world police!
There are two lessons here that the US (and the UN) refuses to learn. First, if you ever do anything, someone will always find a reason to hate you. Second, the more you try to fix it, the greater the number of people who're mad at you. On the scale of national conflicts, whenever you help one group you hurt another -- people tend to remember the hurts more than the helps, and everyone likes to blame the outsiders when something goes wrong. Being the world's police is a no-win role. As long our various treaties/pacts/accords/whathaveyous don't require our action, we should stay well out of other country's conflicts.