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by Dave2
Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:53 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Could Constitutional Carry harm RKBA efforts?
Replies: 21
Views: 2981

Re: Could Constitutional Carry harm RKBA efforts?

blackmesa wrote:
Dave2 wrote:
AndyC wrote:I used to be an NRA member but until they start supporting EBRs as much as they do the others, I'll consider them Fudd Central and won't renew - or should I just be blissfully happy that I'm paying someone to throw some of my interests under the bus all the time?
Yes, Exemplarily Baked Redveletcakes really are that important.

Seriously, I've been trying to work it out for a bit now, and I can only come up with two gun-related meanings: "Extended Barrel Rifles" which I don't see how an organization could really be for or against (extended as compared to what?), and "Extra Blued Receiver" which doesn't sound all that bad. I mean, it's not as good as a RWTCAOB ("Receiver With The Correct Amount Of Blueing"), but it hardly seems worth leaving an organization over.
The second amendment wasn't written to protect duck hunting or rabbit hunting.

The second amendment was written to protect self defense guns, especially guns used to defend against evil overlords. Guns like the AR-15.
Evil overlords and their minions call them assault weapons. In response, many gun owners mockingly called them evil black rifles. EBR.

P.S. I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.
Aaaaaahhhh... See if I had stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night instead of my lousy excuse for a bed, I'd have gotten enough rest to figure that one out on my own.

Also if I hadn't stayed up so late, which I seem to have done again.
by Dave2
Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:21 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Could Constitutional Carry harm RKBA efforts?
Replies: 21
Views: 2981

Re: Could Constitutional Carry harm RKBA efforts?

AndyC wrote:I used to be an NRA member but until they start supporting EBRs as much as they do the others, I'll consider them Fudd Central and won't renew - or should I just be blissfully happy that I'm paying someone to throw some of my interests under the bus all the time?
Yes, Exemplarily Baked Redveletcakes really are that important.

Seriously, I've been trying to work it out for a bit now, and I can only come up with two gun-related meanings: "Extended Barrel Rifles" which I don't see how an organization could really be for or against (extended as compared to what?), and "Extra Blued Receiver" which doesn't sound all that bad. I mean, it's not as good as a RWTCAOB ("Receiver With The Correct Amount Of Blueing"), but it hardly seems worth leaving an organization over.

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