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by comp73
Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:27 pm
Forum: Site Announcements, Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Good Deal thread/sticky
Replies: 10
Views: 4395

Good Deal thread/sticky

My apologies to the Mods if this topic has been broached before. The title pretty much states it. Is there a chance we could either get a thread under marketplace or a sticky somewhere? I know members are pretty good about posting some deals when they see them, but they are usually scattered throughout the other threads. I know I've searched the forum marketplace looking for something, not found it, then find it in another section, usually after I've paid double for it at a retail shop. This could be really handy, especially when you consider some of the supply side problems that are starting to show up.

I'm only talking about firearms, ammunition and other firearm related merchandise (holsters, parts, etc)

2nd EDIT
Found the one for ammo under the general gun, shooting. Maybe expand that one to include firearms and parts?


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