Our church doesn't have any security teams or anything like that. I know there are a few LEO in the congregation.
I generally sit about 4 rows from the back, and 8 rows ahead of me. If someone with a drawn pistol at their side walks past me, he's either going to shoot or not in the next couple seconds. If that person was after a mass shooting, they could just stand in back and have at it.
There are a couple ushers that hang around in back, but generally that's it.
On stage there are generally 2 priests, a deacon or 2, and a herd of altar boys/girls.
I don't think I could justify taking a shot until the person with the gun made a move to raise their gun. Maybe they are deranged and wanted a shouting match, and brought the gun to reinforce their point that they are serious.
I would definitely push my family to the floor, or try to make for an exit.
If the person wanted a shouting match they would get tackled pretty quick. A lot of us big guys sit on the aisle seats (more leg room ). Is it too risky to try to disarm someone with a pistol?
I was primarily curious what the group thought as far as a shoot/no shoot scenario where the threat is walking away from you, but into a position to threaten everyone else. You have the drop on them, but they haven't made the move yet.
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- Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:05 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: So you're sitting in church when...
- Replies: 42
- Views: 6889
- Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:01 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: So you're sitting in church when...
- Replies: 42
- Views: 6889
Re: So you're sitting in church when...
Sorry, didn't realize I had written it that way last night. I meant drawn and in his hand, but not pointed at anyone yet.gigag04 wrote:What does "at his side" mean?
holstered or holding it in one hand?
One guy gets tackled and/or shot...
One guy gets whatched
Not open carry.
Person is past you position already since sitting in the pew you didn't see him approach from behind.
- Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:31 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: So you're sitting in church when...
- Replies: 42
- Views: 6889
So you're sitting in church when...
someone walks down the aisle past you with a pistol at their side, intently focused on the altar/stage area. You're sitting with your wife and kids. Full house, if the armed person turns around, its a target rich environment.
What do you do?
I sit on the aisle seat about 1/3 from the back of the church with my wife and kids to my right. It's an amphitheater shaped church with pews arranged in a half circle around the altar area.
I'm curious what your thoughts on this type of situation are.
What do you do?
I sit on the aisle seat about 1/3 from the back of the church with my wife and kids to my right. It's an amphitheater shaped church with pews arranged in a half circle around the altar area.
I'm curious what your thoughts on this type of situation are.