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by Jumping Frog
Mon Sep 15, 2014 1:34 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Not a "contact or blooper" but an interesting article
Replies: 8
Views: 3066

Re: Not a "contact or blooper" but an interesting article

I have generally observed that rank and file, front line officers, are typically fine with concealed carry licensees, as well as being pro-2A.

Conversely, police chiefs and other top brass in large urban areas seem to be more politician than law enforcement. Their attitudes typically mirror the Democratic party that also seems to dominate large urban areas: i.e. generally anti-gun and pushing gun control.

There are exceptions to both tendencies, of course. The sheriff in Milwaukee WI and the police chief in Detroit both appear to welcome and support concealed carry licensees. Similar anti-gun exceptions occur in the rank and file.

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