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by Jumping Frog
Sun May 26, 2013 7:10 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Major advancements for Texas CHL holders
Replies: 197
Views: 38141

Re: Major advancements for Texas CHL holders

Beiruty wrote:I am NOT starting a flame war. However, The 2ndA, starts with "A well regulated......
It is also quite clear that the phrase "well regulated" in 1789 did not mean regulated like we now understand the term (i.e., government regulations).

It simply meant a "well-trained and organized militia" was necessary for the security of a free state.
by Jumping Frog
Sun May 26, 2013 6:55 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Major advancements for Texas CHL holders
Replies: 197
Views: 38141

Re: Major advancements for Texas CHL holders

tobasco wrote:I think it's a mistake to lower the bar for CHL. If anything I would want to increase the overall requirements. CHL holders are sort of an elite group right now and I think they should be. If someone has plastic then you know they are responsible and committed enough to have gone through the hoops to carry. I'm against constitutional carry for this reason but that seems to be what we are evolving towards in Texas. I know that most people in this thread disagree, but before you do I would wonder if you are taking for granted the high quality of the current body of CHL holders are and assuming it will always be that way. Having 100% of the population carrying would be excellent but not at any price.

Ironic that the changes will take place September 1st. I just hope it's not a new Eternal September.
Are you sure you don't live in New York? Being part of the ruling class elite is a way of life there. Maybe you'd be more comfortable in that environment.

As far as the "great unwashed masses", they have not been a problem in states that do allow Constitutional carry. In fact, I trust the common sense of the normal, everyday, average American a heck of a lot more than I trust the common sense of the Ruling Class.
by Jumping Frog
Tue May 21, 2013 10:34 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Major advancements for Texas CHL holders
Replies: 197
Views: 38141

Re: Major advancements for Texas CHL holders

geoelectro wrote:My renewal date is Nov. 11. Should I wait until Sept. (2) to start renewal to enjoy these changes? Seems like enough time, or is it cutting it too close?
Looks to me like you can wait until Nov. 11 to renew:

HB48 (Flynn, R, A+): Relating to the procedure under which a person may renew a license to carry a concealed handgun.
Impact: 1) Removes the requirement to take a renewal course to renew a CHL; 2) Allows a person to continue to carry a handgun in Texas on an expired CHL, if a) they timely filed the required renewal documents; b) paid the renewal fee; and c) have not been notified by DPS that the renewal application was denied.
by Jumping Frog
Tue May 21, 2013 9:37 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Major advancements for Texas CHL holders
Replies: 197
Views: 38141

Re: Major advancements for Texas CHL holders

Charles L. Cotton wrote:Now it is abundantly clear that CHLs, like every other Texan, can rely upon every defense in Chp. 9 of the Texas Penal Code when facing allegations of failure to conceal in violation of §46.035(a). (Importantly, this includes §9.04.)
I am especially glad this has been clarified.

Under current law, I had made the decision that I would never fail to conceal my handgun unless I was justified in using deadly force.

After it goes into effect, it will open the option of displaying a gun as ordinary force and hopefully avoid things escalating to where deadly force was required.

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