Add Kimber to that list.Other companies that need to pick up sticks and come to a free state like TX:
Smith & Wesson: MA
Walther: MA
Ruger: headquartered in NY
Remington: NY
Springfield Armory: IL
What in the heck were they thinking?!?!?!
As far as "what were they thinking" goes, S&W (with Walther), Ruger, and Remington all predate the antigun climates in those states. However, I am surprised that the unionized ones didn't flee south like so many other northern companies that fled to the sunbelt over the last 40-50 years.
Ruger is headquartered in Southport CT, not NY.
Springfield Armory? It is a newer company and I am baffled why they would stick in IL. It would be about a 25 mile move to Iowa. Les Baer made that move.