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by Jumping Frog
Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:01 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Public safety or feeding a cash cow?
Replies: 30
Views: 4430

Re: Public safety or feeding a cash cow?

Alright, I just got popped for my first ticket in a long, long time. It was 14 mph over, and I was speeding so I won't argue that aspect (was distracted and didn't realize the speed had crept up on me).
Originalist wrote:Handog, I just saw this and since it is your first offense for 10 miles over... Go to the court and request deferred adjudication... You pay court costs and if you get no more tickets for 90 days it gets dismissed and your clean driving record is maintained..... Good luck!
Is this different than taking the defensive driving? Are you saying I can get an outright dismissal with no fine or costs if I stay clean for 90 days?
Beiruty wrote:Do the defensive driving and pay the court fees (in Texas it is like 280 for +10MPH including the course.
So if I do the defensive driving, does that mean I pay both the speeding fine and additional fees for the deferred adjudication?

Last question, I am currently doing PTDE for my daughter. Will this ticket invalidate my ability to do that?

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