I think you are slightly misunderstanding the issue. The current law allows you to be arrested and prosecuted. It is a defense to prosecution to have the tax stamp, but one is still facing the many unpleasant consequences of having to defend oneself including both the costs of defense, the need for bail, and the overall stress of getting ground over months and months by the criminal justice systembaldeagle wrote:Just so I can ensure that I'm understanding the issue here, you're saying that you want the law changed from you can be arrested but not prosecuted to you cannot be arrested? ISTM that rescinding the law would mean that the state can't even charge you with a crime if you possess a suppressor without having begged for the Fed's permission to have one?
Yes. That is what is being suggested. Instead of a defense to prosecution, change it to the charge does not apply to anyone with the tax stamp.baldeagle wrote:Wouldn't it be better to change the defense to prosecution section (c) to something like a person does not commit an offense under this section if the actor's possession was pursuant to registration pursuant to the National Firearms Act, as amended?