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by Jumping Frog
Sat Sep 17, 2011 3:12 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Robbery in Nuevo Laredo, WWYD
Replies: 27
Views: 3783

Re: Robbery in Nuevo Laredo, WWYD

I didn't watch the video, but I have already thought through how I want to address a situation where I am facing an armed attacker who got the drop on me.

I am not going to be passive and place my well-being on wishes that the bad guy is going to be humane or logical. Why should I entrust my life to someone with obviously bad intentions?

No, I'll draw and fight. I'd rather go down fighting giving it everything I've got than go out as a passive "victim".

Plus, I've seen the studies that show action beats reaction every time. I'm sure the LEO's on here have seen the training videos where a BG on the floor on their stomach can often still draw and fire faster than a person covering them can react.

I am also not deluding myself that real life is some TV show or videogame. If I have to get into a gunfight, I may very well get shot. If getting shot is the price I have to pay to save my life, then so be it.

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