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by maxlib
Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:39 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.
Replies: 34
Views: 5748

Re: Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.

BobCat wrote:You handled it perfectly. You saw him - someone else might not have. Your awareness allowed you to take action to prevent a confrontation. Your decisiveness in simply leaving eliminated the need for conflict. Your son is alright, you are alright, he saw you assess, take decisive action, and save the day - to him you are a hero.

Having your pistol with you would not have changed anything except your adrenalin level - it might have been reassuring to have, but it would have been inappropriate to pull in the situation as-stated. Had you been boxed in, it might have been very, very useful.

Congratulations on seeing the situation develop and short-circuiting it.

And... my opinion only: a double-stack magazine of 9mm ought to be comforting. A .45, or shorty AR with a .50 Beowulf upper might have been more comforting, but your little 9x19 will do.
by Hoi Polloi » Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:29 pm

Another thought: you would only be boxed in at the drive-through if you put yourself in that position. How close you are to the car in front of you is almost entirely up to you. Leaving yourself room to respond to unexpected moves by others doesn't apply only on the road--take it into consideration when stopping or standing as well.

Kudos on getting out of there, staying safe, and on calling the police and the store! Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you. -Saint Augustine
+ 1 on ya'll. Hoi Polloi, you probably ride a motorcycle!

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