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by Vecco
Sat Dec 18, 2010 4:03 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Attemped Burglary
Replies: 17
Views: 4060

Re: Attemped Burglary

Keith B wrote:While your gesture in loaning her a gun was good, I will never loan a gun to a person who is not familiar with the type of gun until they have actually shot that gun with me at a range and proved they are proficient enough with it to be safe. IMO you could actually be doing them a disfavor when they are placed in a stressful situation and have to try and use it if they actually can't handle the firearm properly.
+10 I agree

I would never loan anyone ( maybe a family member) a gun ever.. I would always help them buy the gun they needed and help them with safety and aim.

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