Tatiana is listed on her twitter account as a "chiraq || texa$ || promoter || vixen ||."ScooterSissy wrote:Tatiana Rose, who lives in the Craig Ranch neighborhood and hosted the party with her siblings, said a woman and man who live in the neighborhood showed up and called their friends racist profane names and told them to return to their Section 8 housing.
The 19-year-old Rose said most of her friends who attended the party live in Craig Ranch — which sits along a golf course.
This isn't simply case a of neighborhood high school student having some friends over. In fact, you read her twitter feed it appears that it may have been collecting funds to host other parties.
Visit at your own risk. I haven't reviewed all the content but some may not fall within the 10 year old daughter rule.
https://twitter.com/Keef_Cakez" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
And just like that all the content on her page has been blocked unless you are a follower.