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by steveincowtown
Wed May 18, 2011 3:39 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.
Replies: 54
Views: 6514

Re: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.

sjfcontrol wrote:3) I don't know what a "scroned" woman is, perhaps you mean a "Sconed" woman? A woman who's eaten Scones?

Spelling has since been corrected. I was actually referring to a shape of women, like pear shaped, hourglass, "sconed shaped", etc.

I would love any LEO to chime in on who they would rather have an encounter with. What are poeple "high" on when they are the most volatile?

I carry at my house whether I am having a beer or, well let’s just say more than one beer. House rules at my place are, no unholstering of a weapon after even one drink (to change holsters, put away, etc.) and the safe stays locked PERIOD. No show and tell, gun cleaning, etc.

No one should carry in public if they are impaired. Of course that means very different things for all folks. I have a friend who if she smelled alcohol would be a liability, and I have other friends that can drink all day and build a shed the Amish would be jealous of.
by steveincowtown
Wed May 18, 2011 3:11 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.
Replies: 54
Views: 6514

Re: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.

Uh oh....REEFER MADNESS!!" onclick=";return false;

I would take a pot head with a gun over any of the following with a gun:

Mentally Unstable
Someone on X,E, or other
Someone on Mushrooms
Someone on Coke
Someone on any number of legal prescriptions
A scorned woman (hell hath no fury you know...)
etc., etc.

I am not advocating pot or legalization thereof, but the reailty is that is gets way more negative attention than it desrves. The main problem with not legalizing in the US, is that instead of keeping the cash here at home we are funding the drug wars across the border.

***Edit to correct spelling...duh.

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