What an excellent post. I think most people have looked down upon people shooting these lesser quality firearms at some point. I know I have before. But one of the first guns I ever owned was a Jennings .380. Think I got it at local gun show in Ft Worth for $75. Why? Because that is all I could afford. It was a TERRIBLE gun and that is why I came to loathe cheap guns.
When I used to teach CHL classes I was doing a class for a group in someones house and a gentleman had a Hi Point 9mm. This guy didnt lack for money but just didnt know anything about handguns and he asked my opinion about his gun. I could have lied about my thought or be honest. I chose to be honest and he appreciated that. I didnt put him down or make him feel stupid. I just told him my experiences.
Once at a local Ft Worth gun range a few years back I was enjoying an afternoon of shooting when a young guy came in with his girlfriend to shoot. I remember he came in with his gun in a paper sack. I dont judge people how they dress but I will on how they act. He thought he was a tough guy, gang banger (and did dress that way). I see that every day and ignore it. Until he got on the firing line next to me. He was trying to impress his girl I guess by holding his Hi Point sideways and I kid you not he was verbally yelling "BLAM! BLAM!" every time he pulled the trigger. I began packing up immediately to go ask for a different lane when he pointed his gun at me not once but twice because he wasnt paying attention to where his gun was pointed. Normally I would correct someone in a helpful and friendly way but just had him thrown out. Some people do not need guns.
But other than these few situations I always try and be helpful and do whatever I can to help a new shooter. As responsible, law abiding gun owners I think we have to set the best examples we can for others new to owning or shooting. Because I look at like this: That one person I fail to help who is new to shooting or isnt experienced at it might do something really careless that could put all of us at risk for losing the privilege to own or carry. It only takes one mistake by one person to ruin it for the majority.
When I married my wife she was not a fan of guns at all. She was a hardcore Democrat. She believed all the anti gun propaganda she had been told. How did she change her mind? Through education, safe exposure, and positive reinforcement.
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- by maximus2161
- Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:28 am
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Must read for all conscientious gun owners
- Replies: 24
- Views: 4973
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