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by maximus2161
Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:32 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.
Replies: 34
Views: 5770

Re: Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.

jsdintexas wrote:Thought I would offer some if my impressions here. I am not suggesting any course of action one way or another because every scenario has its specific points - there are no set rules, actions, or anything else that covers all the bases. And I am not trying to tell you how to be a father!!!

1) late at night, public place, 10 year-old? My old-time thinking puts kids to bed by 9 or 10 PM every night.
2) Black is irrevelant, but dirty may indicate homeless, which I call a bum. So developing the image - he was probably drunk; they usually can't get or afford hard drugs. But hey, who knows?
3) No way out of a drive-thru lane 90% of the time.
4) Rolling up the window and dialing 911 is maybe first and pulling out of the lane if possible 2nd - rolling up windows because they are pretty tough against a fist, maybe not a board or tire iron or multiple blows might be 3rd, but I wouldn't count on it. And attempted or actual breaking of the glass is justification to light him up.
5) Wait for the cops and report - they and Jack probably know the guy since these types hang out in the same general locations
6) Lighting him up for this bum's preliminary actions (yelling, approach), which I think I understand, is generally not legally defensible in TX, or at least would require a lot of discussion with the cops.
7) My highest concern is the obvious trama to the young man. I hope you discussed this with him to get his take on the incident and make sure he is not having nightmares or sleeping with his BB gun or a kitchen knife or such as that - a 10 year old is obviously very impressionable, but as a father I am sure you know that and I apologize for sounding like parent police if I do.
8) Glad it turned out ok. And maybe some advice - don't be unarmed. And I bet you won't be again or let that CHL expire.

Let me apologize again if I have stepped on any toes here.
You are new fairly here and while I admit while you probably didn't intend it I do find your responses a bit condescending. It is easy to armchair quarterback the events after the fact especially when you were not present. I respect you are offering your opinions. However they way you presented a few of them I do find a bit offensive as if you are talking down to me. Not something you see members do here. I posted this clearly admitting what I think I did wrong. Offering opinions is one thing and lecturing down to a member here is something else.

1) late at night, public place, 10 year-old? My old-time thinking puts kids to bed by 9 or 10 PM every night.
Usually my son isnt up late but this is a special treat we occasionally do during the summer.

2) Black is irrevelant, but dirty may indicate homeless, which I call a bum. So developing the image - he was probably drunk; they usually can't get or afford hard drugs. But hey, who knows?
The fact the man was black has nothing to do with it other than I was making an observation and giving a description. If he had been Caucasian or Hispanic I would have described that

3) No way out of a drive-thru lane 90% of the time.
That is why I leave about a car lengths distance between myself and and another vehicle in front of me if possible. But some drive thrus have barriers. Those I try and avoid. I was fortunate in this case

4) Rolling up the window and dialing 911 is maybe first and pulling out of the lane if possible 2nd - rolling up windows because they are pretty tough against a fist, maybe not a board or tire iron or multiple blows might be 3rd, but I wouldn't count on it. And attempted or actual breaking of the glass is justification to light him up.
Are you serious? I strongly disagree with your comment about calling the police 'maybe' first in this situation. This all occurred in a matter of seconds. My first priority was to get away and protect my son and myself and avoid any confrontation. Calling the police could only be done once what I perceived to an imminent threat was removed. I am not going to be a sitting duck just to call the police when I need to get away first. Im not going to debate all the reasons here but to be clear if this situation happened again I would take the same steps. Get away first then call the police. Even IF I had a gun I would not deploy it in this situation. It would just have been nice to have and that was the whole point. What could have happened is my point. I had SECONDS to decide what to do. I chose to 'retreat' and I will do that every time possible and call the police when it is a bit more safe to do so.

5) Wait for the cops and report - they and Jack probably know the guy since these types hang out in the same general locations

6) Lighting him up for this bum's preliminary actions (yelling, approach), which I think I understand, is generally not legally defensible in TX, or at least would require a lot of discussion with the cops.
At this point it would not have been justifiable even if I had been armed to 'light him up". First option was to retreat safely.

7) My highest concern is the obvious trama to the young man. I hope you discussed this with him to get his take on the incident and make sure he is not having nightmares or sleeping with his BB gun or a kitchen knife or such as that - a 10 year old is obviously very impressionable, but as a father I am sure you know that and I apologize for sounding like parent police if I do.
No there was no trauma to my son. After the fact once we talked about it that was the end of it for him and yes I am aware how impressionable any 10 year old can be. And saying "make sure he is not having nightmares or sleeping with his BB gun or a kitchen knife or such as that" just isnt necessary to say here.

8) Glad it turned out ok. And maybe some advice - don't be unarmed. And I bet you won't be again or let that CHL expire.
As I had already stated and admitted I feel I was not prepared as I should have been. I made no secret of the fact. My goal was to share with others here as to be a reminder we need to be vigilant regardless if we have a gun or not.
by maximus2161
Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:24 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.
Replies: 34
Views: 5770

Re: Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.

First off thank you all for the thought and encouraging replies.

At drive thru's I do have the habit of leaving room to pull away if I need to. Most that I use usually have open access off to the right where I can just pull away. Of course there are some that dont but even with a curb my truck or even a car should be able to clear it with no issues, But Im not perfect and from time to time next thing I know Im someplace and boxed in. But its easy to leave room infront of you than behind you because as we all know too many people will just pull up right on your tail in a drive thru or at a stop light. I always play the "What if" game in my mind. I think of scenarios from being in my house to being out running errands, etc.

As for the incident my only concern was removing ourselves for the situation as fast as possible and the safety of my son. I really dont see what else I would have done different. But it made me think what if I had been in a position where I could not just drive off as easily or was stuck. Simple fact is I got complacent and left my gun at home. Would I have used it had I had it? No. Naturally the situation at that point didnt warrant it. It was more about if I hadnt been able to get away, etc. I would just have felt a little better knowing I had it instead of thinking about it being a paperweight at home.

And while I want to move back up to a larger caliber my XDm and P30 in 9mm are no slouches I guess. 20 rounds of 9mm JHP is better than zero rounds of .44 mag, .45 ACP, .357, etc.
by maximus2161
Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:41 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.
Replies: 34
Views: 5770

Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.

I really want to kick myself. Since this is a pretty much G-rated forum I will refrain repeating the names I called myself last night after this situation. Back in April my CHL expired. Due to my schedule I had to wait to take my renewal class. Well I got it done and got my CHL a few days ago. I had been feeling naked for a few months with no firearm on my side. While this encounter is not as heart pounding as the post TXBassGuide made...after reading his post a few minutes ago I thought I would share this.

My son is 10. Since he is out of school we like to get out and do things. Movies, shop, etc. I think its important to do little things for him for him because the simplest things make everlasting memories. All sounds nice right? Just around the corner from our house is an arcade. This is a family place and pretty nice. My son loves this place and I do too. They stay open till midnight during the summer. The best time we found to go is in the evening. So last night we take the 3 min trip in my truck over there. The stupid thing is I INTENTIONALLY left my handgun at home. I was rushing to get him over there and I had been use to not carrying for a few months due to the lack of a CHL. We had a great time. Stayed a while and played games and at the end had the whole place to ourselves. So its about 11:00 PM and we head out. Now normally I dont have my son out so late. I was pretty hungry so I wanted a late night snack and drove to the Jack In The Box that was around the corner from the arcade. Its on of those places attached to a gas station.

We are chatting away in my truck as I pull up to the drive thru sign to order. At this location they have trees and bushes along the front part of the drive thru area and its pretty dark until you get up to the sign to order. As I am stopped I see in my driver side mirror a black male in a dirty red shirt and shorts step out of the bushes and is at the rear of my truck. My tail lights had him well illuminated. He starts yelling something at me and starts approaching my rolled down window. At this point time seemed to slow down for me. Im hyper-focused on this guy approaching me. Is he going to rob me? Beg for money? Kill me or my son or both? Then i realize I am NOT carrying. I have my son with me. Im strapped into my truck and cant open the door even if I wanted to. So what do I do? All this ran through my head in a second.

Yes i pay attention to body language and how he is carrying himself. One hand is open and one is balled into a fist. He is moving up close against my truck working his way to my rolled down window. So I take my foot of the brake and hit the gas and take off. Thankfully there were no cars in front of me. My son at 10 years old knew something was up with this guy as he saw it to. But as I pulled away I saw the guy move like he is going to run after me but then I see him slink back into the bushes. I already have my phone in hand calling the police but the guy goes across the street and disappears. I also called the store and told them this guy was hiding in their bushes. No clue what happened after that. I drove home.

So Im driving home and mentally kicking myself for not carrying. Im thinking about Murphy's Law and all kinds of bad things. Mainly Im thinking about my kid. Even if I had to repeat that situation and even IF I had my firearm I still would have just drove off.Granted this moron could have been trying to catch a lift someplace, been drunk or whatever but its NOT normal for someone to hide in bushes and come out like that. The point is what if I had not been lucky and had cars boxing me in so I could not pull away? This situation occurred all in a few seconds. And the simple fact is I could have been better prepared and i was not. Im the one preaching to people that want or have CHL's to carry your handgun. Its no good at home. And look what i do. So yea...never again.

To digress a bit I carry (normally -_- ) a XDm 3.8 in 9mm or my HK P30 in 9mm. While I think there is good 9mm self defense ammo and I usually carry next handgun purchase for carry is going to be .45, .357 Sig or something with more punch. Just makes you think. But at least I take a little comfort in having 20 rounds of 9mm in my XDm. For now it will get me by. And maybe Im being paranoid some. Rather be concerned than not.

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