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by Rex B
Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:14 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Collateral Damage
Replies: 12
Views: 2242

Re: Collateral Damage

Well, since we're telling cat stories....

I had a friend with a nice Mercury Cougar he was proud of. Chromed steel wheels.
One of the neighborhood cats, as part of his nightly rounds, would stop at the left rear wheel and mark his territory.
Harold was forever wondering why just that one wheel was rusting, and he was always having to buff the rust off. then he figured it out.

So he god some screen material (back when it was aluminum) and laid it one the ground next to the wheel. Then he cut the end off a long extension cord, and attached an alligator clip to both leads.
One was clipped to the car frame, the other to that screen wire.
Harold plugged it in an went inside to watch the 10:00 news.

About the time the weather came on, Harold and his wife heard a howl like a banshee out front.
Harold went out and unhooked that wire. Never had a rust problem after that,

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