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by Llanero
Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:40 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Protecting Personal Property from Thugs
Replies: 77
Views: 10840

Re: Protecting Personal Property from Thugs

skub wrote:
Llanero wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
cubbyjg wrote:So the police wont help and if i were to try to get to my car, i run the risk of entering into a confrontation. And if things hit the fan, and i have to use my gun to defend myself, i would be in a heated battle where the court would be asking, why didnt i just stay away. I agree that 8 on 1 does not work to my advantage but it seems either way i get the shaft while the punks continue to be punks.
That's exactly right. [sarcasm]Refreshing, isn't it?[/sarcasm]

I know exactly how to fix this, but atheists would have a problem with it, and it is probably unconstitutional anyway. As John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” So when you ban religion from the public square, and when you assign depravity as a constitutional right, and when you enable government to usurp the personal responsibilities of the individual, this is what you get.

Welcome to it.
So are you saying that the thugs are atheists? Or that atheists can cause theists to act like punks?

I doubt that they were atheists. Since atheists make up only a small percentage of the population of Texas, I would be surprised if 8 of them were ever in the same place at the same time. Truth is these were probably Christians. :shock:
I think you completely missed the point. He was not necessarily attributing the actions to atheists, he was saying that his solution to these kind of situations would have a Biblical flavor to it, and that as such, this would not sit well with the atheist in our country.

I am curious, however, why you think that the actions of this group reflect the characteristics of those who follow Christ (Christians)? :headscratch
I don't think that the actions of this group reflect the characteristics of Christians, just that statistically since Christians are a large majority in Texas, it is probable that they were Christians.

Maybe I did miss the point. What exactly would a Biblical-flavored solution to this type of situation be?

I am thinking along the lines of II Kings 2:23-24. :rolll
by Llanero
Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:45 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Protecting Personal Property from Thugs
Replies: 77
Views: 10840

Re: Protecting Personal Property from Thugs

The Annoyed Man wrote:
cubbyjg wrote:So the police wont help and if i were to try to get to my car, i run the risk of entering into a confrontation. And if things hit the fan, and i have to use my gun to defend myself, i would be in a heated battle where the court would be asking, why didnt i just stay away. I agree that 8 on 1 does not work to my advantage but it seems either way i get the shaft while the punks continue to be punks.
That's exactly right. [sarcasm]Refreshing, isn't it?[/sarcasm]

I know exactly how to fix this, but atheists would have a problem with it, and it is probably unconstitutional anyway. As John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” So when you ban religion from the public square, and when you assign depravity as a constitutional right, and when you enable government to usurp the personal responsibilities of the individual, this is what you get.

Welcome to it.
So are you saying that the thugs are atheists? Or that atheists can cause theists to act like punks?

I doubt that they were atheists. Since atheists make up only a small percentage of the population of Texas, I would be surprised if 8 of them were ever in the same place at the same time. Truth is these were probably Christians. :shock:

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