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by Shasta
Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:31 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: I promice
Replies: 15
Views: 2665

Re: I promice

Purplehood wrote:Ooh rah!

Half the "kids" that work in my office don't have the faintest what you are referring to...
Today is my (18 year old) son's birthday. From the time he could talk, when people would ask his birthday, he would always respond "Pearl Harbor Day"
Many times, he's met with an RCA-dog stare. (Of course, the mention of an RCA dog stare also gets an RCA dog stare, but I digress).

Two of the most moving sites I've seen in my life have been the American Cemetery in Normandy, and the Arizona Memorial, which still had a visible oil slick as of 20 years ago. So very sad.

On an even sadder note, my oldest uncle, the last living WWII vet in my family, passed away this year.

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