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by BobCat
Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:48 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Fear of Guns - A Success Story (Update)
Replies: 20
Views: 4112

Re: Fear of Guns - A Success Story

She sounds like someone with enough strength, determination, and courage to surmount whatever obstacle is in her way. Definitely someone to take seriously.

People can have irrational fears of all kinds of things. Fear of "guns" is encouraged by the mainstream media and popular culture. She recognized that her fear was grounded in prejudice (look at the root of the word - pre + judge = making a judgment without data) and decided her self respect, and her relationship with your son, was worth focusing her effort on overcoming.

I know many people who have the same irrational fear of simple math that this woman had of guns. She, at least, triumphed over her fear.


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