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by BobCat
Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:33 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Illinios Gov. Arrested??
Replies: 28
Views: 3826

Re: Illinios Gov. Arrested??

I was born in Chicago and lived most of my first 35 years in Crook county. There are, indeed, some fine, honest, hard-working people there - but not in public office.

The parallels with Prohibition are stunning. The WCTU harped on drunkenness until the Congress banned alcohol outright. Price went up, stakes went up, big players got in the game, corruption spread, and lots of people died. Same is happening with drugs - not advocating drug use, but before 1937 most of that [expletive] stuff was legal and only a small percentage of people used them. Make it illegal, the producers distill and concentrate it down to be easier to ship, toxicity goes dramatically up, and the problem gets out of hand. Opium and coca leaves look downright benign in comparison to heroin and crack.

Once they ban semi-autos and the penalty for having a semi-auto AR-15 is identical to the penalty for having a full-auto M-16, the deterrent to converting them will be gone and the drug gangsters will shoot it out in the streets just like they did in the 20s-30s - with machine guns.

Need to change one word in the bumper sticker - Where guns are outlawed, only outlaws have guns.

Sorry for the rant, it is late (for me, 8:30 PM is late) and it seems like the only people who "get it" at all are folks like ya'll on this forum. Most of my colleagues at work absolutely don't get it or see the link between prohibition and corruption. Nobody needs a gun, right?

Have a good night.


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