LOL, I think we understand the Chinese Communist mindset all too well: CHINA'S BLOODY CENTURY
No other people in this century except Soviet citizens have suffered so much mass killing in cold blood as have the Chinese...They were executed because they had the wrong beliefs or attitudes in the wrong place at the wrong time. They were shot because they criticized or opposed their rulers. They were butchered because they resisted rape, were raped, or tried to prevent rape. They were wiped out because they had food or wealth that soldiers or officials wanted. They were assassinated because they were leaders, a threat, or potential antagonists. They were blotted out in the process of building a new society. And they died simply because they were in the way.
These poor souls experienced every manner of death for every conceivable reason. Genocide, politicide, mass murder, massacres, and individually directed assassinations; burning alive, burying alive, starvation, drowning, infecting with germs, shooting, stabbing; this for personal power, out of feelings of superiority, because of lust or greed, to terrorize others into surrendering, to keep subjects in line, out of nationalist ideals, or to achieve utopia....Since 1949 the Chinese communists killed from 5,999,000 to 102,671,000 people; a prudent estimate is 35,236,000. When added to the number they murdered in previous years, the communists likely killed 38,702,000 Chinese, Tibetans, and other minorities.